Hurt Little Baby (DDLG)

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You and your Daddy are playing outside together because it is so beautiful out.

"Princess, why don't we play catch?" He says picking up your favorite ball. You jump up exciting and nod your head "Yay! Yay! Yay!" You exclaim as you walk a little ways away and start playing catch.

As you're playing catch you get distracted by the birds and the butterflies flying around you. You watch as a monarch butterfly lands right if front of you. You bend down to get a closer look and you giggle as it flys away.

"Princess, are you ready?" He asks smiling at you and you stand back up to continue your game of catch. "Yeah I ready Daddy, I was watching da butterfly," you say smiling.

He throws you the ball but it's a little too high and you miss it, it rolls down the hill and on to the sidewalk. "Whoops, I get it," you say as you quickly run down the hill.

You must have lost your footing because before you know it you're tumbling down the hill and scraping your knee on the sidewalk. You grab your leg and start crying "Daddy!" you yell in between sobs.

He quickly runs over to you "What's wro-" he goes to ask before seeing your leg all scratched up. He gently picks you up bridal style and starts walking you back to the house "What about da ball?" you ask sniffling and wiping the tears from your eyes. He shakes his head "You're much more important than the ball baby girl," he says softly.

You get to the house and he brings you inside and sets you down on the kitchen counter "You wait here, Daddy's going to get the first aid kit," he says kissing your forehead. You nod and he walks away.

When he comes back he has disinfectant spray and you whimper "Noo dat gonna hurt," you cry out. He grabs your hand "I know princess but Daddy needs you to be a big girl and power through it otherwise your leg could get infected and then we'd have to chop it off" he says pretending to chop off your leg.

You giggle at him "Otay I be a big girl," you say smiling. He smiles back at you and gently cleans the dirt and rocks from your leg. He looks up at you "you ready princess?" He asks and you nod "Can I holds your hand?" you ask. He gives you his hand "Of course princess," he says before he sprays your leg causing you to squeeze his hand.

He puts on a cute little bandaid on your cut and kisses it "There you go munchkin all better," he says helping you off the counter. You smile and hug him "Tank you, Daddy," he nods. "How about we go watch tv and snuggle for a little bit," he suggests leading you to the living room.

You sit on the couch and cuddle together for a while watching tv "I love you little one," he says kissing your cheek "I love you too Daddy," you say kissing him.

Well, I decided to make a One Shots book. Idk how often I'll update, whenever I have motivation/inspiration I suppose. Most of these are based off of conversations between my Daddy and I. Sometimes whrn I'm talking to my boyfriend I like to daydream about what we would do together, so some of these will be what my imagination has created. I hope you enjoy ❤ Thanks for reading 💕

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