Not fake anymore- onesidedshipping

Start from the beginning

"Hi! It's so good to meet one of my best friends crush. I'm sure you two will be so happy together." Dawn remarked in delight. "Well, I'll leave you two to have some alone time." Dawn waved as she walked off.

"Well that didn't go as planed." Kenny muttered.

"Hey, we can do this. We just need to be more lovey to make her jealous." Brianna assured. "Soon, they will be begging for us."

"You're right. Let's do this." Kenny grinned.

After that day they both planned out special dates and to be out whenever Dawn or Drew were around. Brianna and Kenny pretended to be all affectionate with each other. They held hands, kissed each other on the cheek, talked, and laughed with each other.

Little did they know that all this time spent together, was turning into something more. Neither of them even noticed when they began to do all that regardless of if Dawn or Drew were present.

It wasn't until one fateful day that they realized it was too late.

"Hey Kenny, can I talk to you?" Dawn asked.

"Sure. I'll be right back, Brianna." Kenny remarked.

"Ok. I will be right here waiting." Brianna winked.

They dropped each other's hands as Kenny walked off with Dawn. Though, they felt a bit weird being apart.

"What is it?" Kenny asked.

"Kenny, I'm sorry I took you for granted and everything before. But I want to be with you. Dump Brianna and be with me." Dawn begged.

Kenny just stared at her. This was supposed to be what he had always wanted. To be happy with Dawn, but it was nothing like how he imagined it would feel. Wasn't this supposed to be magical and worth everything? But it didn't.

"I...I..." Kenny stuttered. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Drew talking with Brianna. No doubt sweeping her off her feet with a few simple words. "Yeah, let's just wait until tomorrow. You know so I can let Brianna down easy." Kenny stated.

"Great! I'll see you then." Dawn then skipped off.

Kenny felt uneasy as he walked back to Brianna. This suddenly didn't feel right. It felt wrong, somehow. Drew walked off just as Kenny came back.

"What was that about?" Kenny asked.

"Drew said that he wants to be with me. That he dumped May, just for me to be his." Brianna replied, but her tone was anything but happy. "This is what I have wanted for so long. So why aren't I happy?"

"I know what you mean. Dawn just said that she wanted to be with me." Kenny stated. "But it's not anything like how I wanted it. It's really weird."

"So...what happens now?" Brianna turned to face him.

Kenny took in a deep breath. "I think we need some time to think. I'm sure once we get to clear our heads everything will make sense and feel good again, right?"

"Yeah. You're right. So, see you tomorrow?" Brianna shrugged her shoulders.

"You bet. Bye." Kenny waved as he walked off.

Brianna nodded and went off to her room at the Pokémon center. The two spent the day thinking over what has happened.

Kenny thought back to his past crush on Dawn as he lay in his Pokémon center bed. But no matter how hard he tried, nothing seemed to spark an interest in him. He even tried to make himself feel jealous by picturing Dawn with someone else, but it didn't work.

"What is wrong with me?" Kenny groaned. "What has changed?"

That's when it hit him. Brianna. That's what changed in him. The really sweet girl that he spent so much time with, that it felt odd when they were apart. Suddenly, the thought of Brianna being with Drew didn't sit well with him anymore. He knew he had to tell her everything tomorrow, but that also meant telling Dawn.

The next day, Kenny got up early to meet up with Brianna so he had the chance to tell her before the craziness with Dawn later on. He found her sitting under a tree, looking worried.

"Brianna!" Kenny called as he ran up to her.

She smiled as she heard him yell her name.

"Kenny! Thank goodness you're here. I have something really important to tell you." Brianna stood up.

"I have something I have to tell you too." Kenny admitted when he got to her. "Brianna I-"

"There you are Kenny!" Dawn chirped.

"I was looking for you Brianna." Drew declared.

Kenny and Brianna looked to the two before them in shock. What were they supposed to do now? They glanced back to each other in understanding and nodded before turning back to Drew and Dawn.

"I'm so sorry, Dawn, but I don't feel the same for you anymore. Since I've been spending all this time with Brianna, I couldn't help but fall for her." Kenny explained as he took Brianna's hand.

"And Drew, I'm sorry too, but I can't be with you. I feel amazing when I'm with Kenny, and I wouldn't change that for anything. I hope you can get May back. You two are amazing together." Brianna smiled sadly.

"We appreciate you being honest with us." Drew said, but it was obvious something was up.

Much to the new couple's surprise, Dawn burst out laughing and Drew was quick to follow.

"What is so funny?" Kenny asked, surprised.

"We always knew what you both were up to, and that you to would actually be perfect for each other. You just needed a little push." Dawn replied once she stopped laughing.

"'re say..." Brianna trailed off.

"Yep. We didn't have feelings for you. I actually got together with Ash while you two were 'together'." Dawn finished.

"And I never broke up with May. She means way to much to me." Drew added.

Kenny and Brianna just stood there absolutely stunned.

"Well, we'll leave you alone. Bye." Dawn remarked.

With that, Dawn and Drew walked off. Brianna and Kenny slowly turned back to face each other. It a was silent for a moment, but they eventually got to talking.

"So, this isn't fake for you either?" Brianna asked.

"Nope. Not anymore." Kenny smiled.

"What happens now?" Brianna returned the smile.

"Well, not a lot changes, but now, we can be really, really happy together." Kenny remarked. "And, we can do more."

"Like what?" Brianna asked.

"Like this." Kenny leaned in and kissed her.

Brianna happily kissed him back.

So, that was how something fake turned into something real and beautiful.


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