Everything Happend So Fast- Chapter 8

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It's already been a month and Victor, Fluer, Harry, or anybody won't even talk to me. I'm currently sitting on a window ledge and drawing a picture of a certain red head. I heard some footsteps but didn't pay attention to them knowing that the person wouldn't even notice that I was here.
"Reg?" the person asked as the footsteps came to a halt I looked up to see Cedric Diggory my ex boyfriend "Hey Cedi." I said "Back to that nickname I see." he said smiling "Of course I would." I said smiling at him. Cedric and me caught up with each other when he asked me a question I didn't know how to answer "Are you still in love with George?" I thought about it am I still in love with him? Sure he's a great guy who has a great personality, he's really funny, good looking, and all around perfect. The way he used to make me laugh when I was younger, the way he made me smile, the way that whenever I was down he was always there for me. That's when I realized that I am still in love with George Weasley.

I looked out the window and saw that it was raining "It's like the relationship between a rock and rain. Without rain the rock wouldn't be cleaned but the rock also wouldn't crack and fault without it. Does that answer your question?" I asked him "Yeah but I don't understand it." he said "Okay how about life and death. Without the other one they wouldn't exist." I said "Now that I understood." he said "Well it's time for lunch. Are you coming?" he asked I nodded my head and put my things away. I got up and went to the great hall with him as we were about to go in Draco came up to me "I need to talk with you." he said I nodded my head "I'll see you later Cedi." I said smiling at him he nodded his head and went into the great hall "What's up?" I asked "He's going to do something during the last challenge." he said "Thanks for telling me Draco." I said he didn't say anything else he just walked into the great hall and I followed.

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