Chapter 2

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A loud scream escaped Flug's lips, hand reaching out for something that wasn't there. Cold sweat ran down his forehead, landing on the old wooden table beneath him. His body shook as fresh air heavily went in and out his body.

Exhausted he let himself drop back in the black leather seat, placing his head on the wooden table. Hands clenched into a fist, nails digging into his palms as warm tears flowed down his cheeks.

Flug pushed himself out of the chair, walking around his office, hands at the back of his neck, he could feel his black hair drenched in sweat, looking down to the ground. He stopped for a moment thinking back to what happened, before slamming his fist into the wall. It went right through the thin wood layer stopping at the bricks inside the wall.

He pulled his now bleeding fist out of the wall, wiping away the sweat and tears. Dropping his arms to the side before crouching down and grabbing the whiskey bottle from under the table. He took a big sip from the orange-colored drink not bothering to pour it into a glass.

The Doctor's gaze went over the table eyeing the fills of the new patients: No. 433 and 811. Slamming the bottle on the table, angrily thinking back why he agreed to take them as a patient, creating a new crack in the surface of the table filled with the spilled whiskey. He grabbed the yellow folder raising an eyebrow at the girl's name. "Demencia? Why would she be named after a disease?"

He looked over the small information the other doctors had gathered about her and BlackHat, deciding that two weeks of griefing had to go to an end and make himself useful again.

Flug picked up his slightly red and blue stained lab coat, throwing it over his shoulder and walking out the door, fills and clipboards still under his arm. He swiftly put on a pair of his signature yellow gloves hiding the bruise on his left hand.


"You want me to WHAT?!" Flug slammed his hands on the dark wooden table in front of him, looking at his new boss in disbelief.

"I hate to admit it... But you are the most capable out of all of the doctors in the place, even me. And you know how to defend yourself, in case." He picked up one of the three files laying in front of him on the desk, flipping a few pages before stopping.

"Several degrees in psychology, mathematics, physics, and science. Soldier, pilot, and medic in the German army." The slim masculine man threw Flug's file on the table again, pointing his finger directly at the furious doctor. "You are the best option we have, Slys!"

With crossed arms he let himself fall back in the white chair. "I am not going anywhere near that monster! He sent White and Slug in the fucking hospital! Knocked unconscious with one hit! White, in a fucking coma! He's BlackHat's older brother!"

The Doctor took a deep breath, trying to relax a bit. "Ok... Hear me out, Boss. I trust that you're gonna do a great job while White and Slug are out... But I don't trust you so much that I just go risk my life and everything..."

"... Then, at least be patient 433's personal doctor! Please... You'll ask her about details about BlackHat and give those to us so we can see if we find someone else, someone more suited! Or take a few days and think about being BlackHat's doctor."

Flug's eyebrow twitched "Someone more suited?" as if..., that one sentence really nagging onto his pried. He let out a sigh standing up. "Fine... I'll take them..." He reached for the files on the table grabbing them and making his way towards the door. He paused for a moment turning towards his boss. "I... Need the keys to their cell..."

His boss laughed in a disgusting way before handing Flug a bunch of keys. He looked at him confused. "No worries... Five will explain everything to you. I assigned him to be your personal guard while handling the rough villains. I originally planned you to be only assigned to BlackHat. But we shouldn't underestimate his minions either."

"Wait... Five is assigned to the underground levels..." The former pilot paused shocked.

"Exactly. We don't let the strong villains walk the upper levels."

A long sigh escaped him already hating the idea of all the security he had to go through. "I'll be going... See you around, boss..." He opened the door slowly before letting it fall in its lock with a loud click.


The sound of fingers hitting the back of the wooden clipboard echoed through the elevator, distracting the doctor from his destination getting closer. An uneasy feeling crawling up his back as his mind came up with more thoughts that became crazier and crazier by the second.

Flug dared a glance towards the blue-haired male next to him standing calm as if nothing special was happening, arms crossed behind his back. On closer inspection, the former pilot could see the man was starting to sweat a little, every now and then looking at the glowing buttons showing what floor they were on.

"...S-So..." Flug cleared his throat peeking at his friend before looking down again, the elevator floor was much more appealing to look at. "D-Did you hear anything about the two? I-I mean BlackHat and Demencia!"

The blue-haired male looked down to where his friend stood a few feet smaller than him. He gave a small nod. "Yes." a soft but serious voice said, almost choking on the small word. "...I have..."

The doctor looked up surprised not expecting Five to talk in this stiff atmosphere. He almost forgot that the male's voice sounded so soft, most people are shocked when they hear it for the first time not at all expecting the male's voice to sound so nice and calm. It didn't fit the wearer's body type, Five was such a muscular and buff looking guy, the only thing from scaring literally everyone was his kind smile and the little Flower bopping around on his hat. Flug remembers the day he first met Five, he was scared that he didn't dare to say anything until spoken too. That was 'till he saw the man's large hat collection, from large to small every hat was in a sky blue and had a tiny yellow flower on the top bouncing around like the happiest thing on earth.

The flower on Five's hat suddenly hung low. "In the first week, there were only screams. The terror in their eyes after the different doctors came out, day after day a new one came down with me. Some only scratched and those who dared to stay in longer than a few seconds came out with large wounds. The most harm someone got was after 5 minutes... I got so scared after he didn't respond to me knocking on the door... I opened the small window inside the metal door and dared a peek inside..." He shook himself thinking back. "... That man... No, that monster, ripped his hand clean off... With his bare teeth... I could see the blood on them as he looked straight at me... It felt like he was staring into my soul..."

The doctor's eyes widened in shock looking back down to the floor. Sweat dripping down from his face and landing in front of his old red chucks.

"What happened in the second week? You said that all happened -" the doctor was cut off by the elevator door opening.

He swallowed hard not really wanting to interact with any of the villains down here. He took a quick step forwards greeting the armed guards that looked at the anxious man.

Five pointed towards Flug's keys showing in what order he had to use which key. He yelped when his arm was suddenly grabbed by a strong hand. Five looked at Flug with a serious look removing the doctor's left glove, ignoring the bruise it had and pressing his hand on a cold glass plate next to the door. A green light scanned his slim hand before making a ping sound. His hand was released allowing the doctor to put on his glove, again. The door opened soon after.

Flug was greeted with loud screaming and loud bangs. He looked up at Five only to be pushed through the door before it closed again. He clenched the board to his chest looking at the different cell doors. The hallway was longer than the shaking doctor had thought, cells looming over him.

The blue-haired male stopped Flug, hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down with a gentle smile. He pointed towards the cell in front of the doctor. Flug took a step closer to the door reading the black number painted on the metal plate. "433"

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