Chapter 4

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Flug gulped, his mouth dry. He wanted to say something anything! But nothing came out. He nervously tapped his fingers together looking to the ground anxiously, cold sweat running down his face. Why did he agree to this again?

The demon let out a small chuckle. Turning around, eyeing the tall person before looking away from the anxious man. "Well... It certainly wasn't smart sending a coward."

Flug's gaze snapped up scanning the villain. His short white hair shimmering in the short amount of light the door let in, only making his none existing ears more noticeable. The male's eye looked rather playfully up to Flug sending shivers down the doctor's spine, the beings left eye was covered with a poorly tied bandage covering, what he assumed was either an empty eye socket or a badly injured one. His chin was covered with what seemed like dried blood.

Flug thought back to what Five had told him earlier. Did he really rip someone whole hand off?

Around his neck was a strong iron collar for what Flug assumed was the remote given to him. To his surprise, he noticed the similarity between him and WhiteHat, the colors were switched up.

The elder being stood up straight, looking intensely at him. Flug's body started to shake in fear, as he slowly took a step backward. He reached for his keys only to trip over his own feet and falling to the ground. Eyes widening as BlackHat inched forwards.

The demonic voice echoed through the room as he laughed at the pathetic sight before him. "That scared?"

"Stop!" Flug yelled, arm shaking as he held out the remote, thumb over the lime-colored button.

The demon stopped looking down at the masked man before him.

"O-Or- Or I'll press it!" The former pilot let out a relieved sigh, couldn't believe that actually worked. He just stopped the most dangerous villain in the entire universe by just saying sto-

Loud laughter interrupted his for once joyful thoughts. BlackHat laughed so hard tears were forming in his eye. "HAHAHA! Pff! You think... You think... That this thing in your hand could stop me?!! HAHAHAHA!!"

Flug looked from the remote to the villain as he took a step closer, a million thoughts running through his brain in a few seconds. Only the temptation to press it was getting higher and higher.

"Press it."

"Wait... What?" Flug's eyes moving up to the Villain. The mocking gaze he gave the doctor only intimidating him further.

"I said press it!"

Flug looked at him in disbelief. Just a second ago he was threatening the doctor and now he wants Flug to press a button that could seriously harm him or do permanent damage? That dude seriously is mad in many ways.

"Well, what are you waiting for? I don't have the time to just wait and see if a coward of a doctor finally decides to press a damn button!" With almost every word BlackHat took a step closer, smirk growing wide.

Flug crawled backward, body tensing when he hit the cold metal door with his back. He pressed himself against it, hoping it would somehow stop the fiend. Now only a few feet away, he looked back and forth between BlackHat and the remote. Inner demons fighting!

The demon smirked down at Flug, victory written all over his face until the doctor quickly put it back in his pocket. Flug covered his head with his hands hoping it would prevent the villain from harming him.

"I-I'm- I'm s-sorry to d-disappoint you, s-senior. B-Bu-But a-as a d-doctor, I-I vowed to never do h-harm t-to a person!"

The doctor shrieked in horror when the amused smile on BlackHat's face changed into a hateful one. Flug let out a yelp as something black and slippery tied around his neck, slamming him into the door. While Flug desperately tried to get some air he noticed what was holding him up against the wall. It looked like tentacles but transparent. In a move of desperation, he kicked the villain, successfully surprising him. It instantly stopped the process of whatever that was, as Flug dropped to the floor. Heavy and shaky breathing filled the room.

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