Chapter 3

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Flug took a deep breath trying to calm himself down before he had to step out of the cell. He fiddled around with the many keys attached to his jeans before finally grabbing the right one.

After several minutes of just looking at the door, the keys turned, allowing the door to release its frame and let the doctor walkout. He stopped for a second looking back at her before stepping outside. The large metal door let out a creak as it fell back into the lock.

Flug let out a long sigh before letting himself be dragged in whatever direction Five took him. He was able to get double the amount of information on one day than his colleagues got for both his new patients in two entire weeks.

Demencia doesn't have a Dementia syndrome, it seemed that the girl has strong Amnesia. What kind of Amnesia Flug couldn't find out, for that, he would need more time.

A small ping and the elevator door opened. Like a prince getting released from a curse, Flug was thrown out of his thoughts stepping inside the large metal box that was his rescue and at the same time doom.

Watchful eyes stared at the blue-haired male as he moved his gloved hand over to the many buttons and pressed the lowest. To the man's surprise, a keypad opened asking for a password. Five quickly typed in some numbers Flug tried to remember before grabbing his key card and sliding it through the scanner. Thoughts slipping back to the girl.


The doctor looked at the girl as she rocked back and forth, trying to reach the back of her hair. His fingers tapped on the wooden board in his hands before clearing his throat.

"Hello, Demencia."

The girl looked up to Flug when hearing her name. The surprised look on her face changed into a wicked grin as she jumped up on her feet. Slowly walking towards the former pilot, who became more and more nervous by every step that she took.

„What's the matter doc? Scaaaared~?"

Mouth dry, Flug looked at the girl. He scanned over her body before noticing her bandages.

„How are your wounds? They looked pretty bad a few weeks earlier."

Demencia stopped walking, looking confused at the doctor. "What wounds?"

Surprise flushed the doctor's face. "You don't remember?"

"What should I remember?"

Flug thought for a moment before coming up with a theory. "Do you remember how you ended up in the asylum?"

"Of course I do! I ended up here when...! Wait... How did I end up here?"

Tausends of thought ran through his head as he tried to find the right words to explain.



The elevator opened again revealing only two guards at the level, guarding the elevator. Flug felt sweat running down his face, knees shaking a bit as he stepped forwards. The atmosphere around them was about to rip like a piece of paper.

One couldn't describe how anxious the specialist felt in his own skin, heart beating so hard that it felt like it wanted to jump out of his chest trying to get itself into safety before anything bad could happen to it.

So close to the infamous supervillain BlackHat, and soon even closer. Flug remembers the day he looked up to the villain's lifestyle and wanted to be independent of the heroes' world, spreading chaos. It only caused him and his college friends to get arrested.

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