Chapter 9

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A/N:  Unedited xx

Savannah was sitting out on the deck with a hot chocolate the next morning, when she heard her front door swing open.  It was the start of a beautiful day,  the air was crisp and the sky was clear.  Savannah had already taken her morning swim out to the floating platform, and was now enjoying the morning waiting for Mera to arrive.

"Woman, where are you?"  Sang Mera's voice through the house.  "Wow, this place is amazing, I mean it could do with more wine, but otherwise it's amazing.  And would you check out the backyard.

Savannah sprung up from the deck chair as Mera stepped through the back doors.   What followed was a lot of laughing and hugging, before Mera dropped down into the deck chair Savannah had just vacated.

"I can totally see you settling down here!" Mera commented looking out towards the lake.  "I can also totally see myself sunning myself on that floating paradise out there." She grinned looking over at Savannah.  "It is so good to see you, my lovely!"

"Its' good to see you again and it's even better that you are here, with me!"  Savannah grabbed her hand and gave it a tight squeeze.

"I see that you're still sporting that awful drape,"  Mera sighed picking at Savannahs baggy trousers. "You're so beautiful!  It breaks my heart seeing you hiding away beneath these awful clothes.  Surely you can finally put all that crap behind you and bring out your legs.  It's been years."

"Mera!"  Savannah moaned rolling her eyes.  "Don't start,  just last week I got hounded by a gang of bikers.  They chased me down the street."

"Did they?  Did they really?  Or did you just run away at someone on a bike complimenting you on your gorgeousness." 

Savannah got up off the deck chair and made her way inside.  Mera's voice followed her, "I'm right aren't I?"

"Shut up!"

Mera laughed as she came into the house and took a seat at the breakfast bar as Savannah tidied up in the kitchen.  Her travel bags were still sitting by the front door and they would probably remain there till she left.  Mera never wore what she classed as work clothing while she was with Savannah.  Instead she chose to 'air' out Savannah's poor clothing that never got to see the light of day, as despite the fact that Savannah didn't ever wear the latest fashion she still enjoyed to shop for it, twice a year.  Mera would meet her in Paris and New York for a little girlie indulgence.  

"So, tell me all about your bag hostage situation."

Savannah rolled her eyes and threw the dish towel into the washer before turning back to Mera.

"Well..." Savannah filled her in on all the details while Mera picked at the strawberries on the counter in silence. "...Let's just say I was shaking so badly I had to pull over onto the hard shoulder."

"I can't believe you didn't actually run him over, asshole!"

"Well Grace, that's Harris' wife, and Mel, grace's friend have invited us to a BBQ on Saturday.  Apparently so that we can see the 'real' Gabe Matthews!' Savannah groaned. "But I'm thinking ... no!"

"Oh we're going, if only so I can give that Asshat a piece of my mind."

"Oh and I should probably warn you, he is the splitting image of Kevin!"

"Say what?" Mera jerked up in her seat and stare back at Savannah.

"I'm telling you he looks exactly like Kevin. They could be twins!"  Savannah explained as she set a cup of tea in front of Mera.  Mera was a stereotypical english women, complete with the elegance of a supermodel and the mouth of East London cab driver, but the woman could drink tea like nobodies business.  "It's what started this whole mess, I kept calling him Kevin and, well it reckon after the third time he kind of just lost it!"

"oh now we definitely have to go,  I have got to see this.  But for now I'm taking this..."  she pointed to the tea.  ".. and I'm going to bed.  Show me to my room please.  I'm hanging?"

With a laugh Savannah rounded the counter and seat off for the guest room as Mera followed behind,  she swept up her overnight bag and swung it over her shoulder as she sipped at her tea.

"There is an en-suite attached to the room so you should be all set for the next few days of hibernation."

"You're a godsend."  mera dropped her bag onto the bed and set her tea down on the nightstand before turning to Savannah and pulling her into a tight embrace.  "I'm missed you!"

"I've missed you too! Get some sleep.  I'm heading out for a few things but i'll be back before you wake up.  Anything you fancy for dinner?"

"I'm sure whatever you made will be amazing!" Mera mumbled as she kicked off her heels.

"Take out it is!  Sleep well!"

Savannah left the room and by the time she had collected her handbag and keys Mera was snoring lightly where she had dropped on the bed.  With a smile Savannah left the house and made her way to town.

A/N:  please don't forget to vote and share etc thanks

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