Chapter 7

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A/N: Hey all, so I'm starting to get a bit of a flow back to my writing so if you'd kindly let me know what you think and vote if you think this story still has promise that would be great. Please share with your friend so we can see how far we can go together on this journey!


Gabe was late for work on Monday, nothing unusual for a Monday, only today he pulled into the yard closer to noon than morning.  He had no excuse really other than being a lazy ass at home. He barely had time to park and shut off the engine before Harris was in his face.  Waving a woman's purse around and cursing him to high heaven.

"What the hell man, get out of my face!" Gabe growled shoving Harris back.

"You left that woman stranded, alone, all night, in a town she knew nothing about!" Harris fumed pushing him back against his truck and shoving the bag into his hands. "Have you no sense of common decency!"

"What the hells wrong with you Harris?" Gabe shouted back, losing his patience.

"You! You're what's wrong with me!" he shouted, sticking his finger into his chest.

"Back off, Harris!" He ground out, dodging the next shove and stepping around Harris.

"You made her walk home, on her own, clean across town." Harris continued following after him towards the office.

Gabe stopped and rounded on him. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"The woman you dumped on her ass in the middle of the night with no way of calling for help."

"What?" Gabe frowned.

"Saturday Night, yellow Camaro! Ring any bells for you! You ass!"

Oh it rang bells for him, loud and clear. Only with the bells came the blood boiling rage that had boiled to bubbling over on Saturday night. He was tempted to simply knock Harris out and get on with his day. That's all I bloody need today! Knocking out his mate over a woman!

"You can't seriously be giving me shit over some know it all prizzy bitch, who come in here and mocked my... our business?"

Gabe didn't get a chance to finish his rant because at that moment the yellow Camaro in question, roared to life and burnt rubber as it pulled through the gates and fishtailed dangerously towards them. Both men stared , mouths agape as the woman known as Savannah drove straight for them.  From his periferal Gabe saw Harris beat a hasty retreat out of her path of destruction, but Gabe was struck dumb by the vision before him.

One enraged woman, hair a mass of long auburn curls, flung up in a loose bun, tendrils flying around her grease stricken face. Narrowed, murderous teal eyes pieced straight into his soul. Stunning! It wasn't until the machine had shrieked to a stop centimetres from his knees that he snapped out of it. 

Gabe slapped his hands down on the hood of the car. 

"Are you completely out of your mind! You could have killed me!" He roared staring her down through the windscreen.  Apparently she was out of her mind, it took her all of two seconds to wrench herself out of the immaculate vehicle and stomp her trouser clad legs around the car tills she was standing nose to nose with him... well nose to chest but she was in his space.

"No but I figured my car didn't deserve to have blood and bone fragments splattered all over it.  A car, I might add, that is running perfectly smoothly now no thanks to YOU!"  She had literally poked him in the chest to emphasis her point and Gabe saw red.

"Listen here woman..."

"No you listen, next time I won't stop.  I will run you down like the vermin you are!"

"Get the hell off my property!"

"Gladly, just as soon as I retrieve my property that you  kept hostage all weekend." She shouted grabbing her bag out of his hand by his side.  

The entire staff of the garage had come out to see what was happening and most stood chuckling under there breathe at the scene before them. Savannah spotted Harris as she turned to leave.

"Morning Harris," she smiled politely as she stepped away from Gabe, all trace of anger disappearing from her face and tone. He gave her a sheepish grin and a wave as she rounded the car.  Gabe was having none of it.  Before she made it a foot away, he grabbed her bag out of her hand and forcibly led her by the elbow to her car door.  

"If you so much as come near my property again," he shouted, throwing her bag into the now open door, "I'll have you arrested."

Savannah wrenched her arm out of his grasp and hissed up into his face. "And if you so much as lay a finger on me again, I'll have both your hands chopped off and shoved so far up your ass, it will tickle you intestines, rupture your stomach and kick your heart so far into touch your grandparent will feel the tremors.  With that Savannah slide smoothly into her car.

"Watch your..."

"I wouldn't come near this garage if you personally paid me every penny you had!"  She slammed her car door shut behind her with a deafening thud and turned the key, the engine roared to life.

"You crazy psycho bitch!"  Gabe shouted over the roar of the engine

"What was that, I couldn't hear you!" Savannah shouted back through her open window with a smug smile.

Gabe could feel every muscle in his body shaking with the desire to grab her by the shirt and rip her out of the car through that window and snap her pretty little neck. He didn't get the chance as she was already backing out of the yard.

Somewhere in the back of his mind his brain registered and appreciated the perfectly executed reverse handbrake turn she performed, but he dismissed it and stormed back to his office.

"Get the hell back to work!" he ordered before slamming the door shut behind him. "Crazy bitch," he cursed, sweeping the contents of his desk to the floor in one swift motion. "Coming here throwing her weight around like she owns the place."

He yanked open the fridge door and grabbed a bottle of water before throwing open his desk drawer for some aspirin. His head was killing him. He threw two pills into his mouth and downed half the bottle as he sat back into his chair.  Cursing he ran his hand down his face and waited impatiently for his heartbeat to return to normal. Harris chose that moment to stick his head through the connecting garage door.

"You're a real asshole, Matthews!" Gabe didn't even blink, he just let the bottle fly, straight for Harris' head. 


The bottle crashed against a rapidly closed door, which was followed by the roar of laughter coming from the garage.

"We'll see who gets the last laugh assholes!" Gabe shouted through the closed door.  The laughter slowly quietened and with a final glare, Gabe snatched up the phone off the floor to call Macy, their cleaner, to come help him clean up all the water and mess.

His head was pounding, and despite the work beginning to pile up for him he just wasn't in the mood. Frustrated he dug his keys out of his pocket and made his way back out into the yard.

"Dylan?"  He shouted.


"I'm out!"

Dylan who had appeared out of the garage nodded in response and watched as he climbed back into his truck and drove out of the yard.  Another roar of laughter from the pits followed him out of the yard. Just perfect!


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