Chapter 12

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Maybe they should have stayed.  Maybe she should have laid it all out for all of them.  Got it all out there so they, no she could move on with her life.  Build friendships, live.  Could she have risked it all on those people, could she? She had let Mera drive as she wasn't in the right headspace to more than stare out of the window and contemplate the last hour of her life.

She was counting the houses as they made their way back towards her house, only Mera had other ideas and took the turn onto the interstate.

"What, where are we going?"

"I think a little retail therapy and tlc is in order."  Mera grinned over at her.

"Mera, I'm not in the mood to go shopping, I just want to go home and sleep for a month."

"No, stop it!  No more hiding away.  You have your whole life ahead of you.  You have a beautiful home and a great friend. Lets not forget Laura, you have Laura who misses you.  So we are going to see her...."


"...and as your friend we need to go shopping because you have no clothes to wear in New York!"

Savannah actually laughed at the absurdity of Mera's plan. It was ridiculous,  it was a lovely thought but it wasn't necessary.  Running away wouldn't solve anything and going away for however long this trip would last wouldn't help her feel anymore settled.

"Mera, as much as I love the idea of seeing Laura, I'm not going to New york."  Savannah touched her friends arm to make sure she was listening.  "I promise I'll try to stop hiding away but I don't want to run away either."

"Well that something at least.  Can we at least go shopping,  there must be a mall locally somewhere.  I mean let's think about this for a minute, you live in a tiny little town where the population doesn't really even reach triple figures, and of all the people you've come across since you have arrived here, only one recognised you.  There has only been one incident of hounding, right?"

Savannah nodded waiting to hear the outcome of this conversation.

"So by all accounts you should be good to start dressing a little better.  No one here is looking for you or even knows any of the people you used to hang out with.  So maybe you could start looking a little less hollywood hobo and select a few pieces to assist in the Redlodge fabulous look?" She finished with a quick glance over.

"You seem to have forgotten about the room full of people who now know who I am.  Never mind that Gabe's auto shop is one of the most well known shops in the southern hemisphere. Just one slip of the tongue and the papers will catch wind of my location.  Followed shortly by the rest of the trouble.  And like you said Redlodge is a small town, do I really want to be the cause of a war on their turf?"

"I hate to break it to you sweetie, but you are not that important."  Mera sighed. "Now me on the other hand, I am very important and you walking next to me like that will draw attention, and there is no way in God's green earth that I'm dressing down."

They both laughed at that and Savannah finally relented and directed Mera to the closest shopping mall, it wasn't Milan or Paris but it would suffice for today.


When they finally made it home around eight that night, they were both heavy ladened with packages.  They both collapsed onto the living room sofas, giggling at their own weariness.

"My word, I do believe you bought that entire store!"  Mera smiled over at Savannah. "Did you see the clerks eyes when you walked over with that purple top and said you'd take it, along with one of every colour and matching shoes?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2019 ⏰

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