'If you guys have any other questions or are curious about anything go ahead and ask. I'll be one hundred percent honest with you all.' They started to think about things and they asked whatever they wanted to know. I was honest throughout the whole entire thing. I had asked them some questions as well and they answered with equal honesty. Since it was getting late, their managers had advised that it would be best if they went home. 'How about we agree to something before we leave just give me a second to speak to our managers.' 

I nodded and RM went out and talked to them. Meanwhile, everyone else started talking to one another, but I got a call from someone I really didn't want to talk to at the moment. I cut the call and kept doing it until the person on the other side realized that I didn't want to talk to them. Tae came up to me and gave me a worried look. 'It's okay.' My phone rang again and this time Tae answered. This was not good. I didn't want Tae to be involved in this. I didn't want him to think that I was still with that guy. 'Hello.' It was too late. Tae had already answered. It was kinda funny watching as his cute face turn confused when he couldn't understand. He was talking to my ex-boyfriend who speaks Spanish and not so fluent English. He turned to look at me with his cute and confused face. I took the phone and hung up. 'Why did you hang up? Who is he and why is he yelling?' His frown was upsetting since he looked mad. 

Damn this guy could look hella intimidating. I cleared my throat and shook my head. I didn't want him to know about the person on the phone he was in the past and would remain there. I was about to say something until my phone rang again. I answered since I was tired of this. 'What do you want Armando.' I might have said it too loud because now the rest of the guys were looking at me.

'¿Quién fue el tipo que contestó el teléfono la última vez que llamé?' I scoffed and rolled my eyes. 'Esto no es de tu incumbencia. ¿Por qué sigues llamándome? Necesito que te detengas en serio, esto se está volviendo molesto y no puedo bloquearte por razones obvias.' I was tired of his calling me and bothering me. If I had to I will definitely block him and I would have to explain the whole reasoning to both my parents and his. I was so done with all of this drama. 'Déjame explicarte por favor eso es todo lo que quiero. Quiero que las cosas vuelvan a ser como eran antes. Te extraño y te amo.'  I wanted him to explain, I wanted to know the reasons as to why he did what he did. Did I love him? I did, but that does not mean I still do. That died the moment I caught him in the act, the moment he first dared to lay a hand on me. I got pretty upset and walked into the bathroom that was in my room. I spoke in English since he can understand. 

'Are you kidding me right now?! You miss me!? You LOVE me??!! You must be dumb enough to believe that I would fall for that! I would never go back to you. You need to stop bothering me, Armando. I was done with you the moment you laid your hands on me after you cheated. You and I are never going to be together anymore. Get that through your thick head. Goodbye.' I was panting. I was frustrated and the memories of the events came back to me at full force. I sat there for a moment.

 The tears wanted to fall but I knew that they couldn't. I got up quickly realizing that the boys were still here. Damn it, Kira! I pulled a smile on my face and opened the bathroom door. They looked at me with sadness and empathy. 'So....RM. What did you talk about with your team?' I needed to change the topic and fast. Thankfully he went along with it and gave me the look telling me that I would have to tell him what happened later on. I nodded and he started to speak. 

'Well, Since our vacation is as long as yours, I asked if it would be alright if you came with us whenever you had free time. We could drop you off and come pick you up as well. You don't start for another few days right?' I nodded. 'Would you like to stay with us for the entire time you are here? I mean you don't have to, but it could also save you money. Not that you're poor, but college is expensive and I mean I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to be offen-' I pat his arm trying to calm him down. I smiled genuinely since it was cute hearing him ramble. 

'It's alright. I would love to join you guys. I'm glad all of you trust me to that extent after talking for a full day.' I was surprised. After how they had acted once they knew that I knew who they were, it was shocking to see that they trusted me. Since I haven't really unpacked and everything is still in my suitcase this would be a lot easier but the food would have to be packed or something. I didn't want to spoil it all. 'When would you like the move to happen?' I had to know that way I could prepare some more. RM thought about it for a little more and then told me that they would be here tomorrow afternoon at around 1-2pm. They all gave me a hug before they left and before Tae walked out he gave me a final long hug. 

'I know we just met but please, I'm here for you seriously. I would like to know what happened since I heard everything that was said in the bathroom. Only if you're comfortable.' He hummed afterward and looked at me waiting for my answer. I nodded and gave him a slight smile. He slowly brought me towards him and I kept eye contact trying not to panic. I closed my eyes as soon as our foreheads touched. I didn't have the strength to keep them open and after a while, he finally kissed me. He stayed still for a while just savoring the feel of our lips touching. He then stepped back and let out a shaky breath. I touched my lips and was still in awe at the fact that he had kissed me. He took my hand and put it on his right cheek. I just looked at him in curiosity and awe, trying to find the right words to say. Before I could say anything he brought me closer by getting a hold of my waist and since I wasn't expecting that I let out a gasp. He took advantage of that and kissed me once more this time moving his lips in a soft and sensual manner. My left hand went to the back of his neck and I played with the bottom of his long hair. He let out a grunt and that let me know that he enjoyed the way I was playing with his hair. We both pulled away and I smiled shyly at him not knowing what this meant for us. We had only met yesterday and now we were kissing in my living room. He kept looking at me and me, him; I had no idea what this meant for us and I was anxious to find out. I didn't want to be rejected and I also didn't want to get my hopes up.

 'I've been curious as to how your lips would feel on mine. I really like you and it sounds crazy because we only met yesterday, but I want to court you. Would you be willing to let me do that?' His hands cupped my cheeks and he waited expectantly. I nodded giving him a big smile. He gave me his boxy one in return and hugged me. He left soon after and the smile would not leave my face. I threw myself onto the bed and put my hands on my cheek. I started to laugh and giggle until I couldn't anymore, but once I started to remember Armando's phone call I started to cry. He was always persistent and I knew that that wasn't the last I would hear from him. Once I got over the whole thing, I started to pack what I had taken out and make sure that everything was near the door that way it would be easier to take out. Once that was done I went to see if there was any food in the fridge that I needed to pack up into food containers. There was no food left thankfully since the guys decided to finish the whole entire thing.

 By the time I was done, it was already 3 a.m. even then though, I couldn't sleep. The kiss that was shared still replayed in my mind. I really liked him, not because he's an idol, but because he is the most caring, loving, loyal, honest, and understanding person ever. He had his flaws, but who doesn't. He was probably one of the only people who knew so much about me. He understood where I was coming from, but also wasn't afraid to tell me I was wrong. He was also very good looking and obviously taller than me. My life was complicated and also very burdensome. Maybe agreeing to let him court me was a bad idea. Their ARMY would never approve of me and the sasaengs will do whatever it takes to keep me out of the picture. He was someone totally out of my league and most of the people will not approve of him dating someone out of his race. I was short, tan skin, curvy, and knew little Korean.

 I was sad, everything in the world was against us being together and the fact that I had to leave in a few weeks was bad too. What was the point of trying when I knew that after this trip there was nothing left for us? He would keep going, he had to. Me, I would go back and finish my education and start to work. He and I could never be and that's the way it should stay. Maybe just being friends was what's best. I cried that night, for the first time in my life I didn't know if I could ever get over him. It's too soon to say, but so far I feel more for Tae than I ever did with Armando.

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