Fresh Start

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Author's Note: Hello everyone! I know that I haven't posted in a while, so I wanted to update y'all on a few things. Firstly, thank you so so much for almost 400 views on my story! 

Secondly: school, theatre, and just life in general has caught up with me, and I haven't been able to make time for writing. I do try and write as much as possible, but I can't promise a timeline (even though I have in the past).

Finally: This may or may not be a little mushier than previous chapters, so if you don't like that stuff, then I would recommend skipping ahead (but you will miss some of the storyline).

Thanks for reading! <3

For once in her lifetime, Sophie Foster woke up feeling refreshed and clear-minded. It was as if all of her worries had disappeared. But reality smacked her in the face. There were so many problems with her life right now that she couldn't keep up with anything. So, she did what any normal elf would do and thought like a human would--well, any abnormal elf, at least. A to-do list. That's what Sophie needed. She tore off a piece of paper from a Healing Center report lying on an empty cot. Her list looked something like this:

To Do:

1. Clear things up with Fitz

2. Call Keefe over to the Healing Center because the talk probably won't go well and I need him for emotional support

3. Talk to Fitz again once he's cooled down and is ready to understand

4. Cry to Edaline about why Fitz won't understand

5. Repeat steps 1-4 over and over again until I can figure something out

Well, might as well knock the first one out of the way, she thought to herself as she pulled out her Imparter.

"Come on, Fitz, please answer," Sophie said to herself. It was really early in the morning, and Elwin must've been on break. Edaline and Grady were at Havenfield, tending to the animals. Keefe was somewhere at some point (Sophie never really knew what he was up to), and Fitz...well, she was about to find out.

"Hello?" It was Fitz, groggy and sleep-deprived, hair a mess, and eyes half-closed. His crisp accent (which Sophie was yet to figure out) filled the room.

"Hey," Sophie said shyly. I mean, what do you say to your ex-boyfriend that was kinda-sorta the cause of the gnarliest injury of you entire life?

"What do you want?" he asked.

"To talk."

"Okay, then talk," he urged, ready to go back to sleep.

"I...." Breathe, Sophie, breathe. She sighed and began the long conversation. "I wanted to say I'm sorry. The way things came out and the fact that I was hiding my relationship with Keefe from you was wrong. There's no excuse for what I did. But I haven't heard your voice in forever, and I miss it. I also wanted to let you know that I almost died again. After...." She trailed off.


"After I had our breakup conversation. I jumped off the cliffs to teleport to Havenfield (per usual) and I wasn't focused." Sophie decided to leave out the part about the cause of that being her broken heart. And the fact that tears were already streaming down her face.

"Oh. A-are you ok-kay?" His voice was shaky, eyes now open wider than basketballs.

"Why don't you ask my broken body?" Sophie flipped the Imparter around to show her full body cast.

"" Fitz was speechless.

"I don't mean to make you feel bad, but...YOU CAUSED THIS!" she shouted. A couple of birds fluttered out of a nearby tree.

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