"Are you sure? You can stay with Jack and Anthony if you want, because it doesn't really matter-"

"But it matters to me," Shawn adds.

"Okay," I smile. "We got to go pack right now though."

"ILL BE FAST!" he yells before sprinting to Anthony's room.

I laugh and then go to the guest room. I quickly, but neatly, fold my clothes and put them in my suitcase. Then I put all of my toiletries into it before shutting it.

"Anthony, can we get last minute tickets at the airport?" I ask while walking into the living room. (Author's note: I have no idea if you can or not so just pretend)

"Yeah," he answers.

"Do you need a ride to the airport?" Jack asks.

"Yes please!" I nod before Mrs. Quintal walks into the room.

"Are you already leaving?" she asks.

"Yeah," I explain. "My dad's home from his job so I have to go see him before he leaves. But thank you so much for letting us stay here!"

"No problem!" she smiles. "You can come and stay with us anytime. Anthony loves hanging out with you guys since only Jack lives really close to him."

"Okay, well thanks again! Jack and Anthony are taking us to the airport now," I exclaim.

"Ready?" Anthony asks while walking into the kitchen.

"Yep," I nod before saying a final goodbye to his mom. "Wait, is Shawn done yet?"

"Um.. I think so," Jack shrugs. "I don't know."

I run to Anthony's room and see Shawn sitting on his suitcase and trying to shut it.

"Need some help?" I laugh, startling him and causing him to fall off of the suitcase.

"Please!" he begs. I giggle and then walk over to him. "I'll sit on the suitcase and you try to zip it."

Shawn agrees and then I plop down on top of his bag. He quickly zips it and then jumps up.

"Okay, we can go now," he says before running out of the room and outside.

I follow him and see that Jack and Anthony are already in the car. I follow Shawn into the car and then Jack starts blaring One Direction.

Since Shawn and I got to the car last, we're in the backseat which makes the music even louder because of the speakers. Even though my eardrums are suffering, I still sing along.

"IF THIS ROOM WAS BURNING, I WOULDN'T EVEN NOTICE!" We shout along to Little White Lies.

The time passes quickly and eventually we're at the airport.

"You aren't aloud to leave," Anthony laughs before giving me a quick hug.

"Darn," I chuckle. "But we'll all see each other soon again."

I go over and give Jack a hug. "I'm excited for the Four album reaction video."

"You should be," he smirks.

"Bye guys!" Shawn waves to them.

"BYE!" I yell before running into the airplane that we got our tickets at.

When we get settled into our seats, I obviously get a seat next to Shawn.

"Did you already tell your mom I'm coming?" he asks me.

"Yeah," I nod. "But don't worry, she already loves you. And my dad will too."

"I hope," he stresses while putting his head in his hands.

The Offer That Changed My Life (A Shawn Mendes fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt