Chapter 25: Trouble Brewing

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Much to Claire's happiness, the team stayed in Victoria's Island longer than a week. While it was a huge risk, they all agreed that the quiet secluded location and tranquil scenery did them all some good. Wanda was doing much better since Clint's departure, which made Claire happy. For once, everything felt normal for the small group of ex-Avengers. For once, they were able to relax and take a breath. When Claire and Wanda weren't training, they spent the time just lying around their small cabin that they shared with Jemma.

Claire, lying on the couch in the living room, let out a loud sigh as she turned herself upside down, hanging her head off the edge of the couch and her feet dangling off the back. Wanda ignored her, not looking up from the book she was reading.

"Wanda!" Claire said dragging out her name in a whiny voice. "Wandaaaaa!"

"What?" she said putting her book down and sighing.

"I'm bored!" she exclaimed.

"Why don't you read a book?" Wanda said and picked up her book and continued to read. Claire groaned. She rotated herself and dramatically leaned over Wanda, getting in the way of her reading. "Come on, Claire," Wanda groaned as she maneuvered her arms to situate the book on top of Claire's slumped body.

"Wanda, help me! I'm so bored!"

"Well, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know; help me!"

Wanda closed her book and leaned forward, placing her book on the wooden coffee table. Claire moved her head to lay in Wanda's lap, and looked up into her eyes, pouting her lips.

"Why don't you go for a run? You could use the exercise." Claire sat up, looking uninterested and raised her eyebrow.

"Are you saying I'm fat?"

"No, but you're very jittery. You need a physical outlet, so go run." Claire shrugged.

"I'm not in the mood to run. I think my wolf is tired; haven't heard from her much since we got here."

"Well," Wanda said, crossing her leg over her other one. "Do you want to play a game? I'm sure I saw some board games somewhere." Claire shook her head. "Do you want to explore the grounds? I could go with you, and just take a walk?"

"I guess that sounds like fun," Claire said with a smile. Wanda returned it and both of them got off the couch and put on shoes before leaving their cabin. The air was warm, but a cool breeze blew by them as they walked to the forest's edge. The leaves of the trees shook as each gentle wisp of breeze blew by.

The sunlight filtered through the leaves, caressing the forest floor, engulfing it in a soft golden light. Wanda smiled as the tranquil sounds of woodland animals fluttered by her ears. Squirrels danced and chased each other across their path and birds sung their songs in the trees' branches. Claire grinned as she shifted into her wolf. Nudging Wanda's arm with her snout, Claire lowered herself down to the ground and peered up at Wanda.

"What?" Wanda asked smiling bright. Claire tilted her head, pointing to her back. Wanda, taking the hint, climbed onto Claire's back and gently grabbed two fistfuls of black fur. Claire took off into a sprint, gliding past the coniferous trees and fallen logs. Wanda squealed, her face pink and aching from smiling and laughing. The wind whipped past them blowing Wanda's hair everywhere and burning her eyes causing her to squint involuntarily.

The forest rushed by in a blur; the greens and browns of the trees blended with the gold of the sun and the various colors of flowers. Claire slowed to a stop as she reached a small pond surrounded by large shrubs. Wanda got off Claire's back once she had stopped and walked past the shrubs, standing on the bank of the pond. Claire, feeling playful and silly, picked up a large stick in her mouth and trotted over to where Wanda was standing. She sat at Wanda's feet and gently tapped her with her paw, gaining her attention, and dropped the stick, wagging her tail with a happy grin on her face. Wanda laughed as she bent down and picked up the stick.

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