Chapter 3: The Quinjet

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"Lily? Lily can you hear me? Lily?" Jemma's concerned voice filled Lily's ears as the vision released her to her reality. Lily's eyes were wide as the sight of the open closet and the face of Jemma appeared before her as clear as the outdoor landscape. Jemma's hands were on Lily's shoulders and she was shaking her, trying to snap her out of whatever state she was in. She's been around Lily when she got her visions, but this one seemed different. Lily was panicking, she was distressed at what she just saw. The young girl's death had shocked her more than thought.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. You're back. It's okay. You're okay. I'm here," Jemma said again after about a minute of silence from Lily except for her ragged breathing. "Lily, what did you see?" Jemma approached the subject with caution, afraid to send the woman back into another fit of panic.

"I...I saw...I saw a girl," Lily began as she tried to stand. Jemma grabbed on her hands and helped her steady herself. Once she was up off the floor, Jemma pushed her to sit on the bed. Jemma sat beside her and took her hand. Lily stared into the open closet, a far-off look in her eyes. She was trying to see back into the vision. "I saw a girl. She was young, younger than you. We were alone outside in some...unknown location. She was afraid."

"Did you know her?"

"I didn't know her, and she didn't know me. I don't know if she saw me. She was looking right at me, but I don't know if she saw me." Lily recounted the vision. The girl was clear in her mind.

"What did this girl look like?"

"She had long brown hair and these eyes that were green but had a mix of grey in them. She was dressed in red and black. I don't know why she was there, but there was so much fear in her eyes."

"What was she doing?"

"She wasn't doing anything. We were just standing staring at each other, and then a building collapsed. I didn't see her after that," Lily shut her eyes as flashes of the falling building resurfaced. She didn't want to see the young scared girl die again. It was too painful. Knowing that she couldn't save her. "I have a bad feeling about this mission, Jemma. There's an intense feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. Something doesn't feel right about any of this."

"This mission, this vision. It doesn't sit well with me." Jemma moved Lily's head down until it was resting in her lap. Lily moved her legs to stretch out in the bed, trying to get comfortable in the sudden change of position. Jemma ran a hand through Lily's short black hair, trying to calm her down. Lily closed her eyes at the touch, breathing deeply.

"Honestly honey, I think it's just nerves. Everything is going to be okay. You're going to be okay, and that girl is going to be okay." Jemma said, for once trying to be positive and look on the bright side.

"But I saw her die."

"You know as well as I do that the future is not written in stone. It can always be changed. You don't like how this future ends, change it. Save the girl if you can, and if you can't don't beat yourself up about it," Jemma leaned down and planted a kiss on Lily's temple. "Come on, you've got to finish getting ready."
Lily sat back up, still staring at the inside of the closet. As Lily regained her normal composition, she glanced over to the other side of the room to where Jemma was standing. Jemma was changing into her pajamas and didn't catch Lily looking at her. Picking up her phone from the foot of the bed from where she tossed it, she looked at the time. 1:30am. She felt bad; usually Jemma was asleep by now, but here she was, awake and comforting Lily before a mission. Lily grabbed her black uniform and took it into the bathroom to change.

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