Later, Rachel confessed that she wrote the letter and we all talked to her. She cried and as her friend, I hugged her and the other girls joined me. The guys were just doing 'Awwwn' here and there.
Yoruba day preparations were happening here and there. Lydia, Jetemi, then a girl from B class (Bola) and I, were cultural dancers. Jetemi and Bola were the leaders. After the joint dance with the juniors and they leave the stage, the S.S.S 3 girls left will form a circle and continue dancing. Any dance steps we know. That was my best part of the dance.

As soon as we were done with practice, we took our shoes and walked barefooted from the hall to the class. The Chemistry teacher was already in class. We greeted him as we walked in. He didn't reply us, obviously, he's mad that we forfeited his class for dance. I joined Rachel on her seat and started writing the note he has called before we entered. After his period was over, he walked out.

Our boys then started talking and bickering between themselves. Listening, I realized they were discussing about us. They weren't happy with the way we joined the cultural dance.

"God. Lydia, you too. I'm very disappointed oh. Do you want to do it forever? Leave it for your juniors nah."

"This is the last one we'll do for the school. Let's just do it like that." Lydia said.

"Ehn. If you guys will continue, don't talk to us. Don't you see B class girls? That's why we said you people are not matured yet..."

"Just hold it there like that. Who isn't mature? Wait, like is it you who has matured? Because you don't want to be helpful to the school activities again doesn't mean we should be irresponsible like you guys. You guys believe being in S.S.S. 3 means all those activities are babyish right? Duh! If you can't help, then don't stop others who want to help. Tch!" I said and immediately walked out of the class. I wasn't interested in listening to their silly replies. Who cares?

They're acting up all because they're now in S.S.S. 3. What's so special about that? I've been there and I don't see why we need to act like a god, all because we're now at the peak.

That afternoon, I told Lydia I wasn't doing the cultural dance anymore. She said she decided not to do it anymore too. I haven't really gone to class since the argument in the morning so, I just decided to return now. When I got to class, the guys were all insulting someone. From the things they were saying, I realized it was Jetemi.

Damn. What again this time?!

I just went to my seat and decided to ask Jetemi what's going on. She just said 'later'. The guys kept on talking to her and she replied some but deep down I knew she was hurt and offended. Then suddenly, someone landed something.

"Is it because you're the senior girl? It's not you that's supposed to be the senior girl nah. You just got there by chance. It was supposed to be Sarah, but because she doesn't pay her school fees on time, that's why you were given the position. You're now acting like you're the only one in class. We'll show you pepper in this class."

I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up, packed some notes and walked out of the class. I headed to the Library. I kept on wondering what could have gone wrong between Jetemi and the guys. But whatever could have happened, that sentence shouldn't have been uttered. It was too harsh. Well, whatever. What do I even know?

Later, we went to class. The bell was rung for social activities so we all headed to the Hall. After everyone had settled, Lydia and I planned to escape the activity going on in the hall. Some people were invited to talk to us students about being focused and all that. I wasn't interested in the discussion in any way. Then I found out Lydia wasn't interested also. We decided to leave the hall.

Getting to class, surprisingly, we met some of our boys. We used that opportunity to ask them what Jetemi did to them.

Demmie and Emmanuel told us how she talked back at them and insulted them when they were talking to her about the cultural dance stuff. Really, the guys were at fault. So, I decided not to say anything about what they said. They continued the discussion with Lydia anyway.

Soon, the activity in the hall was done and everyone headed home. We waited for our lesson, anyway.

Biola and I walked back into the school with a nylon in my hand. We just returned from a shop. We went to get starch and detergent for the cultural dancers. They would use it to wash the clothes they were to wear tomorrow.

For real, it shouldn't be. The school was supposed to organise those to wash the clothes. It's not the dancers that should be washing the school costume again. But whatever, I don't care.

We went to the girls and dropped the starch and detergent for Jetemi, as their leader. When they were about to go wash the clothes, she called me. I told her I wasn't doing the cultural dance anymore. Lydia said she might not be around the next day, so she's also not doing. Lydia only said that to cover up tho, but what's the point? I had to say my mind.

With the look on Jetemi's face, I knew she was disappointed in us. She walked to the tap with the rest of the dancers and they began to wash.

When the guys saw them, they got annoyed again and began to complain. They said she should have given the clothes to juniors to wash.

After everything was settled and the dancers spread the washed clothes in the sun, Jetemi returned to class.

Lo and behold, was a letter in her hand as she gave it to Lydia and I. Already, I could guess what was there. In the letter, she told us she knew she was the only odd one out of us and now, she was going to stay away from us. She wrote all sorts of devastating things about herself, and kind of called off her friendship with us.

Immediately, I gave the letter to Lydia and we ran back to class to meet Jetemi. She just sat on her chair with a book in front of her. We walked up to her and closed the book so she could gain our attention. She just smiled but didn't look up.

"Jetemi, don't even tell me you want to cut off any friendship. Don't you get it? You're the third piece of this friendship. Without you, we're incomplete." I said.

"Yes, Jetemi. You know it, you're my best friend and everyone knows. I don't want you to feel inferior or anything. Plus all those things you said in the letter are trash. You're the best bestie I ever had. Look at me, you ain't a local girl and we love who you are, because you're amazing just the way you are."

I knelt down and held her hands.

"Did you hear all that? Our friendship is together forever, okay?" I said to her and she nodded. Then, we hugged one another. After releasing ourselves, I tried to ease the environment.

"Jetemi Jetemi, our senior girl. Baby baby"

"I swear, Demi, you don't have sense se."

"Alaye fashi danu." I said, laughing.

With that, we started laughing as the three of us walked out of the class.


P.S: I know it's a short chapter, but I'll try to update the next chapter before the end of today or tomorrow morning. Thank you so much💝 I love you all🥰

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