{6th of June - b.y}

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today at lunch, i sat with my only best companion since i've come to college - ray chen. he was going on and on about this new buddy he got and he would like to introduce me to him. meanwhile, i was focused on my packed lunch that i hadn't noticed a figure cheerfully walking towards both ray and me.

"hey, ray-"

i jolted upwards at that familiar voice to lock eye contact with an equally shocked eddy. as the two of us stared at each other in silence, ray cleared his throat.

"ah... so you guys met already?"

after long hours of persuading ray that we didn't have anything going on between us (he was certain we had given how we looked at each other before-), the two of us managed to explain how we met each other coincidentally. yes, just a coincidence.

there wasn't supposed to be anything more that should grow in between us, right?

after a brief moment of talk, ray excused himself to the toilet, and the two of us were left alone in silence, each unsure of what to make of the situation, or what to say to make it less awkward.

eddy decided to speak first.

"ummm, brett?"
"sorry if i made things awkward."

i was so dumbfounded. what did he even do? it was probably just me and my stupid feelings that's why things got quite embarrassing. i mean, i should have said something when he came and not just stare at him and let ray get the wrong idea isn't it?

i just wished it wasn't a wrong idea.

"no, it was probably my fault." i gave a half-hearted laugh, trying to sound natural but failing. it was another moment of silence before he spoke again.

"say brett, are you g-"

"i'm back guys!" a cheerful ray interrupted eddy from behind and scared him to death. ray was also taken back by surprise from eddy's big reaction.


"sorry! sorry! calm down, what are you guys talking about that is making you so worked up about it?"

this question made eddy stop in his tracks for a split second, then he turned his head so the both of us couldn't see him and muttered.

"it's nothing actually."

through the strands of hair that is covering his ear, i could glimpse a shade of pink spreading on it.

nothing of that was mentioned throughout the rest of the day, but eddy's face bothered me for weeks to come.

short authors notes but here's to thank all the peeps who read this book UWU i thank all the support you guys have given! and omg it's 600 views already and breaking 100 views almost everyday! couldn't have done it without y'all! love you guys! y'all are awesome ♡

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