{14th of March - e.c}

690 37 9

i stood idly outside the teacher's office, my ears picking up every shout and argument that is happening inside. i held onto the tears that were furiously fighting back the urge to let every drop cascade down my cheeks, my teeth sinking into my bottom lip.

before i could realize it, a handkerchief was handed over to me.

"hey... are you alright?"

i glanced up to see a bespectacled figure looking at me. my heart stopped for a moment. he was the same senior who was present in some of my practices, and also the one who i stumbled on playing at the field. often we would pass through the corridors without a single glance with each other, but i know that i feel something around him. my heart would accelerate to a dangerously fast pace and my mind would be messed up completely. damn, did it have to happen again?

he had a look of concern washed onto him. i hadn't realized that i was holding my head between my knees, and bending at the empty hallway. he must have noticed it, plus i think he noticed i was crying, that's shameful of me. but why? we were just strangers in the same school, one slightly crazy over the other, but inexistent to the other's eyes. i lowered my gaze with embarrassment spreading over my face. 

what was he doing here? 

"who... are you?" was all i could mumble at that time.

he only smiled and mumbled faintly, "brett. just call me brett."

"then what are you doing here...brett?"

brett... it's a fitting name for someone like him. wait, why am i talking as if i know him? we're strangers, mere schoolmates down the corridors, mere classmates in the hall. mere students in the teacher's eyes, and nothing more in each other's. how i wish we were more to each other than just acquaintances.

"well, you seemed sad, so i thought i'd come around to comfort you."

with that, he sat down next to me and curled himself up into a ball, his glasses poking out of his knees. i was speechless and dumbfounded that time. we did not speak for the rest of the half-hour, but i gradually calmed down. he just had this sort of soothing aura that made me at ease.

before the teacher called me inside, he pulled me into a quick embrace and quickly scurried away, leaving me red in the face on the ground.

do you perhaps feel the same as me?

𝒖𝒏𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔   •  𝙩𝙬𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙩  • ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ