It was utterly weird.

"Oh um yeah." Charlie mumbled, scratching his neck. "Rich..."

I raised a brow but shrugged it off. I don't have time for this.

We entered the Red brick house and a few people were inside. As soon as we entered they looked at us.

A few kids ran past me laughing and giggling. I smiled slightly at the sight.


"So..." I dragged looking at Shonna. I smiled at a kid who was watching me with wide eyes.

"You live here?"

Shonna blushed. "Well not technically... I mean we live in one of those white houses, but Parents allowed us to use here for our studying place."

I nodded, not believing one word she just let escape her mouth. Something wasn't making sense.

"So-" I got cut off by a yell.

"WHO ATE MY LAST CUPCAKE!" It was a screech but a deep voice.

I jumped and looked behind me.

Shonna and Charlie rolled there eyes. "Oh stop acting like a ass Thomas!" Shonna yelled back laughing.

"How dare you!" The male voice spat back. He soon walked in the living room we was in and boy was he huge.

Fricking tall must I say! 

His bulging arms were crossed over his chest. His eyes were a golden like color but a light hazel brown. He had dark chocolate hair and a neat trimmed beard. He was a greek god!

But he wasn't anything close to Artemis... 

I blinked. Wait... why am I comparing someone to another person I barely know. He hasn't called me back in days...

"My cupcake had my name on it. When something has my name on it, that means what?" 

Shonna rolled her eyes and looked at me with a apologetic smile. I shook my head to tell her its fine.

"It means the cupcake belongs to you." Charlie said.


"But!" Charlie cut him off. "You should of never put it in the pack fridge."

Pack fridge?

"Charlie!" Shonna hissed. Charlie looked at Shonna in confusion until his eyes landed on me.

"Oh.. Shit I forgot. Sorry." He snapped back at Shonna who was glaring at him

The fuck?

"Who is she?" Cupcake guy looked at me. His nose twitched as he watched me with narrow eyes.

"She's Anita. My science partner." Shonna answered with a huge smile on her face.

"Anita this is Thomas. Don't mind him. He's really a bug softy. Thomas this Anita."

Thomas looked confused until his eyes widen and his eyebrows shot up. "Anita!" He said as if he knew me.

"Um hi?" I answered.

"Oh god I have to tell Xavier she's here! He would freak." Thomas rambled.

I looked at Shonna who was looking terrified. "Um... Look if you don't have time to do this project today maybe I should-"

"No!" Thomas yelled. He put his hands out. "Stay right there! I will be right back!" He commanded me as if I was a dog. 

I was about to argue when Shonna ran after him yelling his name. "THOMAS DON'T YOU DARE!"

I looked at Charlie who was looking embarrassed. "Dude. Your family is crazy weird." I said.

He laughed nervously. "You can say that..."

I was sitting at the table scrolling through my phone when I felt eyes on me.

I looked around then saw a boy staring at me. He had Huge soft brown eyes with curly light brown locks. His skin was light cream with red cheeks. He had pouty lips and his head was slightly tilted as he watched me. I raised a brow and placed my phone down slowly.

"Um Hi." I waved. He smiled at me and raised both of his arms up at me. I laughed lightly and looked around. No on was there. I bent down and picked him up. When I was about to sit back down, he started whining.


I looked down at him. He pointed outside. "You want to go outside?" He nodded.

I sighed and placed my bag down by the seat. I slipped my phone in my back pocket and walked outside.

The sweet air blew on me. There were lavender flowers surrounding the house. I stepped down the stairs with the cute baby in my arms and walked into the green field.

"Do you want to go down and play?" I asked.

He nodded his head. I bent down and placed him on the ground. He looked at me and smile his toothless smile.

"I'm Sebastian." He said. I laughed. "You are?"

"Aniela. But people call me Anita." I whispered pressing a finger to my lips. "Shh, don't tell people my real name."

He nodded and mimicked my movement. He shook his head with his fingers by his lips. 

"I keep secrets good!" He said. I laughed again and squeezed his cheeks. "You are so cute."

He pouted. "I'm not cute. I'm sexy." I raised a brow.

"Are you so?"

He nodded. "Sexy Sebastian!"

I laughed loudly and shook my head. "ok ba ba."

"Ba ba?" his brows moved together. "Who's that? My name is Sebastian."

"I know. But I want to call you Ba ba. Can I call you that?"

He nodded. "Only if I get to call u Ela."

Ela? I liked it.

"Only you get to call me that ok?"

He nodded. "And only you get to call me Ba ba."


I sticked out my pinky finger and he wrapped his around mines.

"SEBASTAN!" I heard a booming voice yell. "SEBASTIAN WHERE ARE YOU?!"

Ba Ba cried out and hid behind me, grabbing onto my legs. I picked him up. 

"Hey cutie what's wrong?"

"Don't let him take me." He whimpered in my neck. I looked behind me and saw a tall figure running around.

"SEBASTIAN!" The figure yelled again. When I squinted my eyes, it widen.

Is that... Holy shit. "Artemis?" I whispered.

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