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A few weeks had gone by and Peter hadn't slept well in that time. It was because he knew that when he woke up he would have to face skip twice in the day, once at school and once in the lab. He had been pretending like they'd never met and so had skip, Peter was thankful for that at least, he didn't want to have to explain to Tony why they knew each other. So here he was now, working on a project and listening in on Tony and skips conversation. He had been pretending so well until now.

"Yeah, he's really smart. That's why he was able to get the internship at such a young age" Tony said to skip.

"Yeah he really is" skip said, making Peters skin crawl. He wasn't supposed to be listening in but he needed to hear.

"I'm just so proud of him" Tony said fondly, settling Peters nerves until skip spoke again.

"He's like a mini Einstein"

Peters world froze, he dropped the tools he was holding and the world stopped. He could have gone through his entire life never hearing that word, he may have even been fine hearing it. Just not from him, the flash backs were paralyzing. He heard someone but the voice didn't register. There was nothing but ringing and the word "Einstein".

"Bambi, are you ok? Underoos? Can you hear me?" Yes, yes I can hear you! Or can I?

"Y-Yes" muttered Peter, he clenched his hands to stop the shaking, he couldn't ruin this. Not over some silly little word.

Except it wasn't a silly little word, it was the word whispered in his ear every time skip watched him. It was the word that would now be a trigger for ever emotion he ever felt.

"Are you sure, do you want to take a break?" Tony asked resting his hand on Peters shoulder, that touch was the only thing grounding Peter, keeping him from spiraling.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry" he whispered forcing a smile. He was not going to let skip win, this is exactly what he wanted and he was not going to get it. If only he knew who he was talking to.

"Ok, I'll leave you be. If you need anything just let me know" Tony parred Peter on the back and walked back over to skip.

A few hours passed but to Peter they felt like days, his movements progressively getting shakier and his breathing getting faster. He couldn't stay here much more, but it did have to end. And when it did he sighed in relief, heading to his room.

He was in his room finishing homework when he felt a presence at the door, he turned expecting to see Tony, but froze when he saw who it was.

"Hey, Einstein. Tony wanted me to tell you we're all going out for dinner, I believe Stephen is joining us too." With that he left Peter trembling, he couldn't do this his breathing started to speed up and he fell to the floor. His vision was blurry but through the tears he saw a flash of green. The green blur was speaking but Peter couldn't hear, he just heard the same ringing. When it finally subsided he heard what the green blue was saying.

"Peter are you ok? You seem to be in a state of panic. What can I do to help brother?" Loki was rubbing circles on Peters back, trying to help him gain his composure.

"I'm f-fine"

"Don't lie to me, you saved my life, let me try and help you. May I?" Peter nodded because he didn't know what was happening. He froze when Loki placed his hand against his cheek, he felt the memories flood through his eyes as if he was letting Loki in. A few moments passed and Loki shot back breathing heavy. "No, how could anyone do that?! Peter I'm so terribly sorry, I'm not letting you go to dinner alone, and how can Stark not know, isn't he supposed to be smart or something?" Loki ranted while helping Peter stand.

"It's ok Loki it wasn't your fault, thank you for your offer, but you don't have to come to dinner, and I don't want Tony to know. He finally has a decent assistant and I don't want to ruin that" Peter answered.

"Ok" Loki said after a long sigh and a shake of his head. "But I am coming, let me go ask Stark" he left Peter to get changed and went on a mission to find Tony.

He was exactly where Loki thought he would be. In the lab, and guess who was also there? You guessed it Skip!! Yeah not such a good thing, especially when that's the exact man Loki wants to murder.

"Stark I heard you are having dinner, I will be joining because I haven't been doing much" Loki announced, Skip visibly tensed obviously disliking this situation.

"Of course you can come Loki, Peter will be so happy that you're there" no peter will only be happy if Loki's there.

"Thanks Stark. Leaving in a few?" Loki asked.

"Yeah, I'll have JARVIS let you know when to come down"

Loki nodded and left to get ready.

Hehe, probably going to be two chapters tonight. And I believe that a LETS FUCKING KILL SKIP clan should be created, I literally hate writing about him but I have no other content to write about. Just know that Shuri will be in this story sometime in the future and if you would like to request any other characters just comment them and I might include them. Bye lovely's <3

Daily reminder to live yourself and you are worth it💕

&quot;How'd you get this number?&quot; Peter ParkerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat