Its bad

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"It's bad Tony"

"I know"

"What are you going to do?"

"Me? You're the doctor"

"I meant about the situation"

"I know what you meant... I just don't know"

"Yeah, well for now he will be on bed rest for a week and if everything checks out with his healing he can be transferred to a wheel chair and he will spend up to two weeks in it"

"Thank you Brucie"


Peter heard all of this through a hazy dream like state, he didn't know if he was awake or asleep but he was hearing voices. So he was awake? Maybe, he could hear voices in a dream in a way. This was weird.

"Hey little spider"

He wanted to open his eyes to see who it was but he couldn't so he settled for listening.

"Tony, what's up with the kid?"

"Bruce gave him a sedative but it works weird on him due to his fast metabolism, it's supposed to help his spine start to heal the right way?"

"Oh, can he hear me"

"Should be able to, go on Nat talk to him"

"Ok. Hey baby spider it's me auntie Tasha, I don't know if you can hear me, I don't know where you are in your mind right now but I'm here for you. I'll be here for you no matter what, you don't have to worry about anything ever again ok? я люблю тебя, паук" (translation: I love you baby spider)

Peter wanted desperately to let her know he was here with her too, but he wasn't so sure where he was either. It was a limbo between reality and the subconscious, everything was numb and he was hearing the voices of his thoughts and the voices of the people who loved him. Something needed to pull him out now, he hated it.

"Oh and by the way baby spider, I'm ms.Pointe"

That whisper was enough to snap him out of what ever place he was, where ever it was he didn't want to go there again.

"You're what?!" He exclaimed, louder than they thought he would.

"Bambino, how are you feeling?" Tony asked in a tone that was not his own, was he still in the limbo?

"F-fine" Peter stuttered, "um sorry but, I am really awake right?"

"Yes you are Pete" Bruce said walking in.

"Why did he ask that, why did you ask that underoos?" Tony asked concerned.

"Oh it's just the way the sedative worked on him he would have been dreaming but also been awake and listening to you guys talk, it must have been confusing"

"Yeah, like a limbo" Peter said.


"The space between conscious and subconscious, or reality and a dream"

"Oh" Tony said glad he understood it, "kiddo, are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine" Peter said with a smile.

"In that case let me examine you and you can be moved to a wheel chair. It's been a week and you should be healing in alignment to the rest of your body"

"Wait, a week?" Peter started to panic and the heart monitor next to it snitched on him. May would be so mad.

"Woah, woah slow your breathing kid, come one in and out" Tony coached Peter back to a semi stable state and when Peter was breathing and his heart rate was normal he asked him why. Why did he freak out. He knew anyone would be freaked out about missing a week but this had a deeper meaning, at least to Tony it did, and thank Loki he saw it.

"May is going to be so mad" he said starting to shake again.

"No, no you don't have to worry about that. Natasha went to her house and gathered enough information, from the blood on the walls and floor to the shattered bottles and holes in the wall. It was enough to get her convicted, she's in jail Peter. For life"

Peter should be upset, his only living relative was in jail, but he couldn't feel anything other than relieved. That was until he realized he would be put in the system, he had no where to live and he was underage. Tony somehow seemed to realize what Peter was worrying about.

"You don't have to worry about that either." He held out papers and handed them to Peter. "You just sign at the bottom on those pages and it's official.

Peter was shocked on the top of the document it said...
Adoption forms
"Are these really?"

"Yes they are and before you ask they are serious, and I am serious. Me and mr.Food really love you and we want you to be safe"

"Wait a minute, if Natasha's ms.Pointe-"


"Don't question it, and you're Mr.Food which I started to suspect when I got the internship, you had the same personality, which makes sense because you are the same person. Then mr.bald Is.. CLINT??"

"Oh Dio mio, you called Clint mr. Bald, è così divertente, JARVIS change bird man'a name to Mr.Bald" Tony said while laughing. Peter laughed along with him and they both waited for Clint to arrive, he said he would be coming soon, to see his 'favorite random kid'

Aghhhhhhh sorry it's such a short chapter but I don't have a lot of time I started school today and realized how much sleep I need for catch up on soooo. Thank you guys so much for reading this have a great day/night bye lovely's <3

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