“We had no choice, Eleazar,” Edward spoke up at last, breaking the awkward silence that had followed Eleazar’s announcement. “Isabella would have died if we had not changed her; in fact, it took great effort to preserve her life as it was.”

“Yes, it was a close call,” agreed Carlisle quietly.

“The problem comes not just from the Romanians,” Eleazar said. “With Isabella’s substantial gifts, you will most likely draw nomads looking for a challenge into this area.”

“What do you mean?” asked Esme, her eyes large.

“There have been rumors, Carlisle,” Eleazar said flatly. “We all know how eternity can weigh heavily upon us immortals and boredom can easily become our worst enemy. But when a coven of talented vampires adds a new member, and a very talented member at that, there are those who will track you down just for the opportunity to challenge you.”

“Just for fun?” Esme breathed.

“Exactly,” Eleazar confirmed grimly.

“Who are the Romanians?” I asked in a whisper, barely noticing that my fingers were clutching Edward’s shirt as he wrapped both arms around me, trying to calm my growing panic.

“Vladimir and Stefan. Brothers. The most powerful vampires on the face of the earth and the peacekeepers of the vampire world. Our one rule is, of course, keep the secret. Vampires who endanger us all by living in such a way as to draw undue attention—as you all may be doing with this new addition—will be dealt with by the Romanians.” Eleazar paused, then added for my benefit, “And they are not known to be merciful.”

“When you say ‘dealt with’…” I began, but the answer was all too obvious in the expressions of fear on the faces of our family.

“Dealt with” apparently meant…destruction.


As I leaned my forehead against Edward’s chest, trying to quell the feeling that my life was spinning horribly out of control, Tanya spoke up. I could trace a slight Slavic or Russian accent in her words, much more pronounced than Kate’s. “You have done a foolish and dangerous thing, Carlisle,” she hissed. “And because of the ties between our families, you are putting us in danger as well as yourselves. We will be honor-bound to defend your family now as covens flock here to test their mettle against you and yours. You should have thought out the repercussions of your actions before making such a foolhardy decision.” But while her tongue lashed Carlisle, her eyes were focused on Edward.

“I was the one who changed her, Tanya,” Edward stated, his voice taut. “So please address your criticism regarding the decision to change Isabella to me, not to Carlisle.”

Tanya looked surprised. “You changed her?”

Edward nodded grimly, his eyes hard. I don’t know what he was reading from her mind, but it must not be very pleasant. Again I felt him stiffen against my side; as I slipped my arm around his waist, he relaxed slightly at my touch.

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