Warriors and Wolves

Start from the beginning

"Anyone have any idea what this little event is that Tim is dragging us to?" Nate asked.

"Now wait a minute! You all opted to come. He isn't forcing you to show up." Luke quickly stated, "I know what this event is but no one else does. He wants it to be a surprise. Especially to Kalene."

"Can you give us a hint?" Austin asked.

"It's something he's very passionate about." Luke chuckled.

"So it's music related?" Rob furrowed his brows together.

"No, it's not." Luke responded as Abe, Cole, and Chris made their way over, "Hey fellas. Thanks for joining us. This will mean a lot to Tim."

"Baby? You almost ready? We gotta go soon." Tim stated through the bathroom door.

"Almost. I'll be out in a minute." She called back as she looked herself over in the mirror.

" She called back as she looked herself over in the mirror

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"Damn, sweetie! You look gorgeous." Tim immediately pulled Kalene into his arms, "I can't believe how lucky I am to have you in my life."

She blushed as he leaned down to press their lips together. 'Could he really be leaving me if he's behaving like this?' she thought as they finally pulled apart. They made their way down to the lobby of the hotel where the rest of their group were waiting. Luke had rented a limo for the night so everyone piled in when it arrived. He gave the driver the address earning a head nod in response.

Everyone chatted about where they might be going and what this event was but Tim still refused to say. The drive was short and before Tim knew it, they were coming to a stop. His heart began racing as the door was opened up to let everyone out. For over a year, he'd worked on this project. His lady was going to see what he'd been working on, what he based on her. He was nervous at her reaction, how she was going to take it, and whether she was going to like it or not.

"Why so nervous all of a sudden?" Luke asked, "You're an incredible artist, Tim."

"How she's going to like it and her reaction to it." Tim replied earning a head nod.

"Wow. Seems like a lot of people have come out for this little shindig, Timmy."Austin slapped Tim's back.

The group were led inside the building where a huge poster drew their attention. A young woman somewhere between sixteen and eighteen years old came up to Tim very excited.

"Is this her? Is this the woman who inspired Tove?" She jumped up and down making Tim laugh.

"Yes." Tim replied.

"Oh my God!" The girl squealed, "Will you be doing a signing line?"

"Yes, there will be a signing line later." His publisher stated as he rolled up on the group.

"Signing line?" Austin inquired, "What's this for?"

"Let's head further inside, guys." Luke smiled, "Grab a glass of champagne while you're at it."

"Baby, what is this for?" Kalene quietly asked Tim as they slowly walked with the group.

"Tim, the novel is flying off the shelves already. People are begging for a signing line. I'm setting one up, I hope that won't be a problem." His publisher, David, said.

"Not at all, David." Tim chuckled.

"Well guys, I wrote a graphic novel. Tonight, is the unveiling of it. (he glanced over at Kalene) I wanted you all here to share in this with me." Tim stated.

"Wow, Tim. This looks really cool." Rob smiled at his friend.

"What's this graphic novel about?" Adam inquired.

"It's about this Viking Warrior and the adventures she gets into." Tim's cheeks tinted.

"Sounds interesting, Tim. I'd love to check it out." Chance told his friend.

"I'm sure I can get you a copy if you want one." Tim laughed, "If you want my autograph, I'll do that too. (the whole group laughed at that)"

"Wait...that girl asked if I was the inspiration for...what did she say?" Kalene furrowed her brows.

"My heroine's name is Tove. And yes, you were the inspiration for her my love." Tim leaned down to give her a kiss.

There was a life-sized cardboard cut-out of Tove that people were taking photos with making Tim shake his head. The group walked past a table selling his graphic novel. He'd even drawn up a few things especially for the night that were hanging on the walls. The group split up to mingle with people and check out different things. Tim wanted the novel to be about Tove but his publisher wanted his main male character to be a bigger part as well.

It made Tim laugh to see a life-sized cardboard cut-out of Skarde who looked a lot like himself. 'I did base him off myself, haha!'  he thought. Kalene couldn't stop laughing when she saw it. The look she gave him made his face flush again. Walking around, people began stopping him asking questions about the novel, wanting to take pictures with him, and wanting his autograph. Most didn't seem to know or realize he was famous from being a musician which made Kalene giggle to herself.

Two hours later, David found Tim and Kalene chatting with some of the patrons. He said it was about time for Tim to head to the signing line.

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen! The signing line for 'Warriors and Wolves' by Tim Foust will be starting soon. Please make your way to the start of the line." A member of the facility called out.

The bass man nodded before excusing himself from the fans. Tim slipped his hand in his girlfriend's and laced their fingers together as they walked to where he was to begin signing people's copies. He got settled so she took her phone out to get a few photos of Tim interacting with his fans. 'He's so creative!' she smiled to herself before leaving to get photos of the cut-outs and the other artwork of Tim's hanging around.

"He started this Viking warrior thing when you were in the hospital the first time. It's what kept his mind occupied so he wouldn't go crazy." Adam quietly told her as he came up behind her.


"Yeah. None of us knew he was up to this, though. Are you going to read it?" Adam questioned.

"I want to but I'm not sure. It seems weird that he based his character on me." She chuckled nervously.

"It's because he's in love with you. It's probably how he sees you. Strong, independent." Adam smiled at her, "I'm gonna read it. Seems interesting. I would if I were you."

A/N: A little no-drama chapter for ya ;) Please drop a vote and leave your thoughts below :D

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