"There we go" The instructor said winking at Lani

He continued

"Men Give into temptation easy. Women are very tempting. At this age, you guys aren't strong enough to resist. Nor are you mature enough to care about the consequences. It's all about being 'the Manliest Man'. That being said, you guys don't care how young you were or who you had sex with because... you're a 'man'. But for the women sitting here with you, it's different."


When the class ended the Lani was walking out when the instructor called out for her to stay behind.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" He Said

Lani looked back

"Yea?" She said confused.

"I'd like to speak with you if you're not busy" he said

"It's lunch. I'm not hungry, wassup" she said walking to him.

"Thanks for raising your hand and Getting the other girls to participate" he said with a smile

"Yea, no prob" She Said

"We're you being honest or?" He asked

"Yea. I was"


"Excuse me" Lani said confused

"I apologize" he said " if you don't mind sharing, why do you regret your 1st time." He asked

Lani took a deep breath and sat down in a chair

"I was 16. We were BEST friends. Uh- he hurt me" She said putting her head down

"Physically" he asked

"Emotionally. Maybe mentally" she said shaking her head

"I'm sorry to hear that" he said sitting in the chair beside her.

"It happens right?" Lani shrugged it off "anyway, sex changed things for us and now.. we don't talk anymore"

"Maybe that's for the best" he said

"Yea." Lani laughed "You ever been in a relationships she asked

"I'm 23, Yes. I've been in plenty" he laughed

"So can you help me with something from a man's perspective" she asked

"I most definitely can"

"My um, boyfriend. We've been together for almost a year now... and I found he cheated on me a couple weeks ago. I don't know what to do" she explained

"Give me the circumstances" he added

"He was under the influence and the girl made a very aggressive move. Umm, he regrets it and I can see that in his eyes. I can feel it in his soul" she explained

"Temptation. A man's greatest battle. If you know he is remorseful... then the decision is yours. Your heart will tell you" he said

"My heart says forgive him but what if that's the wrong move." Lani Asked

"You'll know" he said smiling "I never got your name by the way"

"Ailani. You can call me Lani" she said shaking his hand

"Mr. Collins, you can call me Mike." He Gave Lani his card. "If you ever need to talk, this is my... personal number."


After they had got done talking, Lani walked out the room and saw Alex standing against the wall. She didn't stop or even acknowledge him, she just kept going. Alex said nothing, he knew the routine and decided to play it differently. He followed Lani all the way to her car and got in the passenger seat when she unlocked the door.

Lani got in the car and didn't say anything or even look at Alex. They just sat in silence for a total of 5 minutes.

Lani started the car.

"Why are you in my car?" Lani said softly

Alex just looked at Lani. Lani didn't look at him

"Alex. Today is not the day for this" She said calmly

Alex still didn't respond.

"Alex.... please." Lani was holding back tears

"It's okay" Alex Said. "I know"

Lani Looked At Alex And started couldnt hold her tears anymore. She put her head on the steering wheel and cried. Alex rubbed her back gently and quietly comforted her.

Lani stopped crying and cleaned her face, she faced Alex.

"I was in there with you... when you said you regretted us." Alex Said with his head down

"Yea. Um, I just uh-"

"It's alright." Alex Said interrupting her "I understand."

Lani didn't know what to say.

"I know things aren't the same now. We don't even talk. But I wanna let you know I'm sorry" Alex Said Looking Back At Lani

"The past is the past" Lani said

"I never meant to hurt you, La." Alex Said Before Getting Out If the car.

"Alex. Alex wait" Lani Said trying to get his attention. But Alex Kept Walking

Lani got out the car and followed him to his.

"Lee" She Said

Alex turned around.

"I didn't mean to bother you, I just had to tell you that." He said

"Yea I uh- I know. And I forgive you" She Said

"Thank you. That means a lot too me. But I know it'll never be the same. After what I -"

"It can be." Lani Said interrupting him "we can work on it. Work on ... being friends"

"I'd like th- I'd LOVE that" Alex Said smiling

"We should catch up sometimes. Text me I guess" Lani Said before she began walking back to her car.

"Wait! I'm blocked." Alex yelled across the parking lot

"Not anymore" Lani yelled back

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