Chapter 19 (edited)

Start from the beginning

" I thought we were going to talk about something. " He said and I was thinking it's impossible to tense when he's holding me like this. Guess I was wrong.

" Yeah about that. I swear I'm not trying to avoid the inevitable, today has just been distracting. " I told him while nuzzling more into his neck.

"Inevitable, huh?" He chuckled.

And I just took the moment to enjoy the peace I'm feeling right now.


Flicker finally stopped pacing and is purring because of how close we are to our mate.

" Eddy"

I can't even remember what got me worked up the whole day.

" Eddena"

" Hmm" I don't want to let go.

" Your phone is ringing " He said amusingly.

" Just 1 more minute. " I said still clinging to him like it's matter of life or death.

"Eddena it's Jay. It might be important." He said and that got my attention. I literally jumped to pick up the phone .

" Jay what's happening? " I asked.

" I got him Eddy and we are halfway to our pack," Jay replied.

" But.. " I asked not really wanting to hear.

" But he's hurt. Like really hurt. And they are kinda coming after us or him. " He said and I can feel tension through his voice.

" How bad? " I asked.

" Like several stab wounds with silver knife and..... and with the rate of the healing process I can say that knife was coated with wolfsbane. And I'm not sure how the hell he made it to the borders." He said.

Shit Kyle. He's going to be mad... no furious. Rudy must have felt his mate's pain.

" Eddy, find Kyle and stay with him till I reach there. " He said and I told him that I would do that and he should be careful.

"What happen? " Adrien asked. I totally forgot that he was still there.

"Kyle's mate is hurt. Really bad. " I told him. I mind-linked Tyler and told him to meet me at the pack's hospital with Kyle.

" We need to get to the hospital and make sure everything is ready for their arrival and I need to talk to Kyle. " I said and start walking out. Adrien take my hand in his and gave them reassuring squeeze.

I was talking to the doctor telling him what Jay told me when Tyler came with Kyle.

" What's wrong? " Kyle asked.

" Jay is coming with Stephen and he's hurt. " I told him.

It took him a couple of seconds to understand what I said and when he did he just sit on the ground holding his head in his hands.

" How bad? " He asked.

" Pretty bad. " I told him.

Just then Jay entered with a bloody and unconscious Stephen on his shoulder and we all rushed to him.

Doctor and nurses came and took him inside the room. Kyle tried entering with his mate but the doctor asked him to wait outside and we all had to hold him to stop. I turned to Jay to ask him what happened there.

" I was just waiting there for anything and at that point, I was thinking whether I should enter or just wait outside. When I saw someone stumbled just a foot outside the pack border. I went to check who it was. And I heard people coming toward us. I saw that it was Stephen so I took him into my car and start driving. And this is how I reached here. " He explained.

"Eddy blood moon pack's alpha is at our borders and demanding that we surrender Stephen and his mate. " Tyler informed me.

" I'll handle that bastard. How dare he hurt him? " Kyle growled.

" Kyle stay here. Your mate needs you right now. I'll handle him. " I said putting my hand on his chest to stop him and to calm him slightly. I told Jay to stay with Kyle and ask Tyler to come with me. I also called dad to join Kyle and Jay at the hospital, I really don't want him near the border right now.

" I'll come with you. " Adrien said.

" Adrien I don't think that's a good idea. It might be dangerous. " Tyler told him with genuine concern.

" I know I'm not trained like you guys but Eddy I'm not letting you go without me. " He said while looking deeply in my eyes.

"Okay. But you have to promise that whatever you see or hear. You would give me a chance to explain before you reach any conclusion. " I pleaded him.

" Okay! " He said.

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