Chapter 35

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My head was killing me. It felt like my brain needed a little bit more time to wake up than the rest of my body.

After the girl had alerted the entire village by her screaming, they gave me new clothes and something to drink. I could hear their voices all around me, speaking in urgent whispers, but nothing came through.

I was going to die.

I had slowly started accepting that death was going to be a big part of my life here in Woodville castle. I mourned those who had died. I still felt odd just thinking about them. Realizing that I would never get to talk to them again. However I had felt hope, there was still a chance that I would make it through. Every gift search class that passed that hope grew and grew. Strong powers often mean that there is less of a chance that the newly marked dies. I was going to be the human girl who lived,

And now it was taken from me. The heroes themselves told me that I would meet my end. They told me that I would lay down my life for the Vallens. They chose me?

They must be morons. I wasn't brave or smart, if it wasn't for Alaric I would have failed most of my classes. Up until a week ago, I didn't even feel like the Vallens wanted me here and now I was supposed to save them?

Two teachers bust through the door. Professor Lourdes looked absolutely shocked with professor Dehaven looking rather happy. Closely behind them came the man himself: Professor Woodville.

"You were dead." Professor Lourdes repeated the same sentence all the way up to the castle, while Dehaven and Woodville kept asking me questions. I couldn't answer, my damn brain wouldn't wake up.

It felt like I blinked, and suddenly I was in the headmaster's office. It was the middle of the day, the sun shone brightly through the stained glass window, the room was painted in different colours. A block of purple landed on Woodville's desk, a red circle landed on my shoulder. The world looked like a colouring book.

Another cup of water was placed in front of me. Lourdes sat down in the chair beside me, while Dehaven leaned against one of the bookshelves.

Why was I still so goddamn cold? The people of the town gave me a knit sweater that was about four sizes too big for me and some pants. I was completely covered up yet I felt like I decided to wear a bikini to a snow blizzard.

"What happened?" It was the first question that came through, though I couldn't really tell who asked it.

"I died." I answered. They all exchanged glances, probably thinking I had become mental. I had the cold sweats and I couldn't stop shaking. My short hair stuck to my forehead. I must look like I lost it.

"How did you die?" It was Dehaven that asked it, he always spoke with a slight accent. Like he was nobility and not a teacher.

"I choked I think." I answered. I couldn't exactly tell them that needles grew inside my lungs and tore holes into them.

"How did you come back?" Woodville asked. He looked nothing like he did the last time I saw him sitting in that chair. Back then he had tried to look more confident, like he was totally in control of the situation. Now he looked like he was mortified.

"The heroes," I said. "I spoke to them. They told me-" I saw the look on their faces. They thought I was mad. They didn't believe me. Only Dehaven looked like he did.

"Are you sure Eira?" Lourdes asked me.

"I asked them what my gift was." I glanced back at my tattoo, it wasn't glowing anymore. Just regular black lines on regular skin. No needles, no neon lights, just regular old me. "They told me I could talk to them. Relay their messages."

Woodville glanced over to his coworkers. They all seemed absolutely lost for words. Woodville's hand reached inside his robes and retrieved a small paper. He read the message again.

"Please get Mr Andreas, Dominic." He didn't say it any louder than a whisper, but it was enough for Dehaven to understand. He almost bolted out of the room. The shaking was finally starting to slowly go away. But I was still bloody cold.

"How long was I dead?" I had to ask, I had to know.

"Mr Lauwers found you this morning." Lourdes answered. This morning? I was in the underground chamber for an entire night! Why didn't Alaric check on me earlier? I suppose it only benefited me, I got to have more time with the heroes, but Jesus, half a day and an entire night of laying there... I understand why I am so cold.

Professor Dehaven returned with a boy named Nero Andreas, whose name I only knew because he was Alaric's student mentor. Alaric always referred to him as a pain in the ass. Nero's gift allowed him to tell when people are lying. 

He could see right through Alaric and even got himself a reputation as a snitch. When he found out someone was lying, he always told it to a professor. Lourdes stood up from the seat beside me and let Nero sit there, who all together just looked incredibly confused.

"Eira?" He looked surprised. "Oh wow, Alaric will be so happy." He smiled kindly at me. I tried to return the smile, but I feel like it came off as a fake one.

"Please tell us if Eira is lying." Woodville ordered Nero, who happily obliged. He grabbed my wrist and closed his eyes.

"Eira, who brought you back?" Woodville asked me.

"The heroes," I answered. "They told me that the Vallen race is on the verge of extinction. That I have to prevent it. I have to relay their messages." It came out as an absolute word vomit. I had to get it all out, now that there was someone in the room with me who could confirm all of it.

Nero was quiet for a few seconds. "She- She's telling the truth." He finally said, sounding incredibly confused, he looked to Professor Woodville. "How could that be? There is no way."

Professor Woodville looked at me quite differently after that. He believed me. They all did.

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