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Her lungs burned.

Rosaline felt herself being pulled out of a dark and cold void that was filled with the burning sensation of pain. She gasped for oxygen and coughed rapidly when she finally found the strength to hoist up her body.

She coughed out amounts of seawater that was in her airway, only to groan from the pain of her raw throat. She inhaled deeply and calmed her raging heartbeat. She leaned backwards against a tree trunk and flinched when pain pulsed from her arm.

Rosaline's eyes took a few moments to focus. As soon as her vision became clear, she caught sight of a small fire made not too far away from her. She glanced around and took in the forested area around her, her mind swirling in confusion.

Her mind was still a bit foggy and she couldn't recall much. She closed her eyes and held her head with one hand as she tried to recall the last thing that happened. She could vaguely remember getting on the submarine and Law...

Her eyes widened as everything flooded back. Her eyes darted around in angst until they rested on Law's unconscious figure. He lay on the ground and breathed shallow. Rosalie ignored the pain of her limbs and managed to reach him, her hand falling into his as she did so.

"Law!" Her eyes searched for any serious injury and found that he was only covered in minor scrapes and a few bruises. She sighed in relief when she saw that he was fine. She felt her strained muscles relax and she briefly hung her head. Thank goodness.

"Rosa-ya?" Law coughed as he opened his eyes. Rosaline nodded while sitting down next to him. Law groaned. He could still feel the effects of the sea water that made his body numb. Yet, it was better than when he had the cuffs around his neck. He rubbed his neck in thought as he looked around.

"Where are we?" Law asked and glanced at Rosaline. She looked like she was busy fighting off her thoughts, her fists clenched by her sides. He raised an eyebrow and tried to read her eyes but saw them hidden beneath a shadow.

"You idiot! Since when do you get the right to fight all alone?!" Rosaline yelled at him and her eyes shot up to meet with his grey orbs. His eyes widened when he caught glance of a tear that was blinked away and he was speechless. He couldn't believe that she was angry at him out of worry.

This was a new development.

"You worried about me, Rosa-ya?" Law asked a smirk came upon his lips. As a result, she flushed. She was both embarrassed and angry. She wanted to hit him with her right arm but the pain was quick to remind her not to do anything harsh.

She unconsciously grabbed onto it, her eyes widening when she noticed that it was bandaged up and she brought her hand up to her forehead which was also bandaged up. Rosaline's brows twitched before knitting together in confusion.

If Law was unconscious this entire time, then who was the one that bandaged her up? She didn't know what happened after passing out. Someone must've saved them and taken care of her wounds. The only question was, who?

"I take it you don't know who did that either, do you, Rosa-ya?" Law asked and Rosaline frowned while shaking her head. She had no idea who was on this island and she could feel worry crawl under her skin. She had a feeling that she didn't want to know who saved them.

"I don't even know where we are. I just remember you falling in the water and I went after you but after that... It's a blank..." Rosaline murmured in confusion. She closed her eyes and spread out her senses around the island.

Once again, she came up with nothing and wondered if it was their luck to land on another stranded island. Just as she opened her eyes, she sensed a large presence approaching them and she gasped. Her face paled, sweat trailing down her face and Law's brows furrowed.

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