Secrets, Secrets everywhere

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One thing; that's all it took. Within 24 hours, Adrien changed. No longer was he the stormcloud the Wayne Manor had come to expect, but a figure with more energy than Robin hopped up on sugar.  For the next few weeks, he completely embraced the personality that he had for so long kept under wraps, and it was a breath of fresh air for everyone that knew him. The cloud had lifted, but the reason- was not so simple.

Camembert disappeared from the kitchens faster than it could be restocked. The familiar weight of Adrien's ring was back on his hand, and he felt no need to fidget any longer. Adrien grew cocky, and while that isn't necessarily a bad thing- it was strange when he was known as a more reserved individual. Something had changed about him, and Tim couldn't figure out what.

Tim was also a mystery. Adrien noticed that he seemed to disappear every night at 9:45 exactly, and no matter where he looked- he couldn't find where his cousin went. Bruce was the same way. Every night the two disappeared, seemingly leaving Adrien alone- with even Alfred nowhere to be seen.

Surprisingly, Plagg was the one who found the entrance.

"Oh, please Adrien. For the last time- there's nothing here. We've looked every night for two weeks. Give it a rest, I'm tired and I've run out of cheese."

"I've already told you Plagg. Since I got here, I've been highly discouraged to come to this side of the manor. There's something here I know it!"

"Well, I think it's stupid. You're just paranoid, I-"

Plagg stopped, and Adrien watched his ears twitch.

"Adrien, take three giant steps back. NOW!"

Adrien moved as quickly as possible and disappeared in the shadow of the staircase, just as the grandfather clock opened to reveal Alfred, carrying an empty tray. Adrien didn't make a sound as he watched Alfred turn the arms of the clock as the door closed. Alfred turned and left the corridor before Adrien came out of hiding.

"See, Adrien. I told you there was something here, I knew there was!"

Adrien looked at his kwami in disbelief, " You know, if you were bigger, I'd smack you."

"I can destroy you with a single touch, doesn't mean I'm gonna." Plagg retorted.

Adrien rolled his eyes at his friend, " Whatever, Plagg. How are we gonna get in?"

The kwami flew over to the clock. 

"It's wrong. It's not set to the correct time."

"You know, I kinda figured that out myself; thanks."

" I think I can-" Plagg dove headfirst into the clock, and seconds later it started to open, just as it had for Alfred.

Plagg flew out and wheezed.

"The gears are rusty, but I got it open- come on!"

"Wait!" Adrien snatched Plagg out of the air, " We have no idea what's in there! For all, we know it could be filled with snakes or something!"

Plagg narrowed his eyes at his holder, " Orrrrr, it could be where your cousin and Bruce is hiding. It smells like limestone, it's probably some kind of bunker or something."

"Why would they hide in a bunker every night? That doesn't make any sense."

"Well, we'll never know unless we go, come on!"

Plagg phased through Adrien's hand and zoomed down the stairs.


Adrien raced after the floating cat, nearly tripping down the stairs as he went. He snatched Plagg back up just as he tripped over the last step and landed on his stomach.


"Ow, indeed." 

He noticed the pair of boots right next to his head, and he slowly looked up at the figure wearing them. Black boots, black pants, black cape, giant black insignia right in the middle of his chest; then, the black cowl. Adrien recognized the man instantly, anyone who has lived in Gotham for longer than a week can. He was staring straight at Gotham's Dark Knight himself, Batman.

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