Wayne Manor

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"Where exactly are we going?" Adrien whispered, not knowing the answer made him anxious.

"A friend's." was his cousin's answer.


Tim turned to his cousin, " Are you sure you're ok?"

He hesitated, then nodded.

"No, you're not."

A dark chuckle erupted from Adrien's throat.

" You're right, I'm not. I'm scared. I'm tired. I miss Paris. I want to go home, but I can't. I-"

He stopped talking, and clenched his fist over the box in his hand, "... I miss Plagg."

"Who's that?"

"He was my best friend. He gave me a chance at freedom when I thought I would be stuck in my house forever. When he showed up, Father wouldn't even let me go to school like other kids... but then after I met Plagg... I was allowed out. I went to school, I made friends- my life was normal... if it weren't for Plagg, I don't think I would be sane right now."

" He sounds like a really good friend, how come you keep using was? Did he die?"

Adrien laughed, "No, he's not dead- I just... don't think I'll ever get to see him again, that's all."

"We could always invite him to Gotham for a weekend or something?" Tim suggested.

Now, this is when Adrien LAUGHED. Genuinely, the thought of inviting the mysterious Plagg to Gotham was such a funny concept- Tim didn't understand how what he said was funny. It seemed like a perfect plan for him.

"No, seriously. B wouldn't mind if I asked him, and you could spend a couple of days with someone you know- everyone wins!"

When Adrien caught his breath, he shook his head.

"That's not how it works Tim... I'd explain it but I can't."

Adrien turned to face forward, and Timothy watched as the smile on his face faded- as he started to fidget with the box again.

The pair didn't talk the rest of the trip, Tim knew he wasn't gonna get anything else out of his cousin, so he wasn't going to waste time and try.

*                            *                               *

Adrien was asleep when they finally stopped, so Tim had to gently shake him awake.

"We're here." He whispered.

"Five more minutes Natalie..." He mumbled, before turning and facing away from his cousin.

"Come on, buddy- let's get you inside."

The 17-year-old picked the 15-year-old up like it was nothing, and walked him into the house. He carried the boy all the way up two flights of stairs and down three different hallways to his new room. It was smaller than his old one, for sure. But, it was much more welcoming. It opened up onto a balcony, and there weren't any locks. Adrien could come and go as he pleased. Tim placed him on his bed, and slowly left the room, careful not to wake his younger cousin.

"Sweet Dreams, Tiger."

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