Dealing with Family

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Timothy Drake slowly put the phone down. He shook his head in disbelief as the words echoed in his head. 

"Your uncle has been taken into custody on account of Terrorizing Paris. His son is being moved to Gotham until he turns 18, will your family watch him?"

Of course, he agreed, he hadn't seen Adrien since his tour. He had spent a month with the family, and he was shocked to learn weeks later that Adrien's mother had disappeared. Being two years his junior, Adrien was always asking questions and was the reason Adrien had begged his parents to install a rock wall in his room because Timothy was so good at it. 

That was five years ago. Now, Adrien was alone. He typed a message into his phone and pushed send.

Bruce, we need to talk. 

*                                            *                                                    *


" But, Bruce- he doesn't have anywhere else to go. I don't think they're aware of my parents' death, and who knows where else they'd send him!" 

" How long did it take you to discover the cave? Can you answer that?"

Tim sighed, " a week, but that's because I did my research for months beforehand. If you're worried about him coming across the cave, we can just steer him away. It's not like he'll be looking for it, his father was ARRESTED!"

He watched Bruce pinch the side of his nose, " Where is he now?"

Tim smiled, " On his way, he boarded a train this morning. I don't even think he had time to tell anyone he was leaving."

He heard Bruce sigh, " Fine. He can have the guest room in the East wing. Keep him away from the South Wing. Too many people know our secret already, I don't want another one."

Tim nodded, " OK,  B! I'll go help Alfred set it up!" He ran out of the room and left Bruce alone in the library.

Bruce shook his head and groaned, what have I gotten myself into?

*                            *                                   *

When Adrien arrived in Gotham, he knew his life was going to be very different. The air was thick, and tinged with the smell of sulfur. No one made eye contact with him as he stepped off the train. He felt a shiver down his spine, as he shouldered his bag containing everything he had been able to pack before he left. He wasn't even able to tell his friends goodbye but left a text message on all their phones. 

He knew if he had a choice, Gotham would not be the first place he would go. Slowly he made his way to the gate, careful not to bump into anyone- when he saw it. ADRIEN AGRESTE written on a piece of cardboard, held by an elder gentleman he didn't recognize and flanked by a familiar face, his cousin Timothy Drake.

He felt a smile inch on his face, the first one in a very long time. When he reached the pair, Tim flashed him a warm smile before leading him toward the door.

"You ok, Adri?"

Adrien's smile grew at the childhood nickname, " Yeah. man... it's been a long time since I've heard that nickname."

"Yeah, it would be- wouldn't it?"

Tim stopped in front of a Murciélago and opened the door, gesturing for Adrien to get in first. He did, and both boys slid into the back of the car. The elder man took the wheel.

They sat in silence until Timothy saw Adrien pull out a small hexagonal box from his bag, and start fidgeting with it. 

"What's that?" he asked.

Adrien flinched, but then realized what he was fiddling with.

"Nothing much... just an old box..."

"What's written on the top? It's in some kind of Mandarin... can you read it?"

He watched his cousin nod, " It means... hope." 

He didn't elaborate, so Tim decided not to push it. As they drove, Adrien looked out at the unfamiliar terrain. He gripped the box in his hand and felt tears fall down his face. He missed Paris, he missed Plagg, he missed... normal. 

But, that was over now... he couldn't go back. He watched the train station slowly fade from view until all he could do... was to look forward. 


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