Chapter 4

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*still franks point of view*
Gerard was sitting next to me and slightly leaning against me he paused the movie when I was actually getting into it "popcorn time!" He yelled as he jumped off the couch and made his way to the kitchen I heard the beeps on the microwave "in two minutes the best popcorn in the world would be ready" he said excitedly "is it really that good?" I asked him leaning over the couch "um yeah it is it's even better with caramel and salt over it" he told me
Then the microwave beeps and he nearly jumps and I chuckled, and he narrowed his eyes at me "sorry sorry" he nods.  He takes a while to come back..with the popcorn of course he sits by me again and puts the popcorn bowl on half my lap and half on his, he turns on the movie again and starts eating popcorn I was into the movie that I didn't realize he almost ate all of the popcorn "hey I didn't get any yet" I whined "well there's some still in there" he said as he reached in the bowl again "No!" I playfully smacked his hand "I get the rest of it" I told him "fine" he said as he chuckled I ate the rest of the popcorn while watching the movie when the popcorn was gone I put the empty bowl on the counter and I leaned my head against his shoulder and started to dose off

I woke up to Gerard snoring I slowly sat up moving his arm that was around me trying not to wake him after that I checked my phone no new notifications of course as I looked over at Gerard sleeping peacefully then his phone ringing I looked over at his phone as he got up to answer it "hello..?" He said in a raspy voice that was cute "yeah okay love you too" he said as he hung up "hm?" I hummed as a question "that was Mikey he said that the roads leading up here was flooded and he couldn't come home until the roads wasn't flooded" he said his voice still raspy he laid back down I checked the time it was 12:00 pitch black outside with the rain pouring down was the only sound "come cuddle me Frankie" Gerard said he voice still raspy I blushed "y-you sure?" I said unsure "duh I wouldn't be asking you if I was unsure" I laid back down wrapping an arm around him his face nuzzling into my chest I liked this feeling made me feel wanted and loved it was pitch black outside and inside now I heard Gerard mumble something as I drift to sleep "hm?" I hummed "nothing" I could make out of what he mumbled that time "goodnight Gee" I told him as he nodded slowly I knew his was tired I kissed the top of his head and closed my eyes and drifted to sleep

It was dark all around me then I saw a man crying in the corner of the darkness I tried to speak but I couldn't then the man looked at me his eyes gone and black holes were there now and blood dripping down his face I tried to scream but I couldn't the man pointed at me and I looked at my hand my skin burning off and peeling I touch my face my skin peeling off there too. I woke up screaming and sweating as I broke down crying. Gerard came running into the living room and sat next to me hugging me and shushing me trying to calm me down I've been frequent nightmares since I was little but my mind never gotten used to it so I'll wake up screaming or crying it got worse over the years, Gerard still hugging me and shushing me I calmed down a little "did you have a nightmare..?" He questioned as I nodded slightly "wanna talk about it?" I shook my fast and he nodded "okay" he understood still hugging me I liked this to made me feel loved I never really had that. Gerard went to go to the kitchen to make some food my heart still racing from the nightmare. We ate breakfast but it was 1:00 in the afternoon cuz it's nine in the afternooooon lmao sorry we ate basically lunch breakfast.. lunchfast, "lunchfast" I repeated to Gerard who was eating toast "what?" He asked confused "lunchfast it's basically lunch but we're eating breakfast, lunchfast" I said as he chuckled "lunchfast it is then"

We watched titanic it was good and long but we couldn't do anything else I couldn't go to work we couldn't go get food so we just stayed inside cuddling and watching old horror movies and romantic movies and rom-com movies he had all the good movies, movies that'll last us fuckn months the only problem was food that wouldn't last us months we need to get food later on though. "We need food" I heard Gerard say from the kitchen "what do we have?" I asked him "not much just cans" he responded damn I was hungry but I'll last but I think Gerard was hungry I know how to make a fruit salad but that's not stop us from being hungry then we got a knock on the door Gerard answered it and walked outside I was left alone and a part of me told me he wasn't coming back I was sitting there for a while I knew he wasn't coming back. The door swung open and Gerard walked in holding bags of food "we got food!" He walked into the kitchen and looked in the bags and took some food out of some bags and walked over to the cabinet and took some pots out and put them on the stove and cooked something it smelled good "you know how to cook?" I asked him "only this" he told me "what is it?" I asked again "um it's vegetables and salt pepper and pieces of chicken" he explains "it smells good" I told him he thanked me.

After we ate we watched beetlejuice one of my favorite movies "Gee do you have some sweatpants I can borrow I wanna get outta these jeans" he nodded and paused the movie we got up and I followed him to a room that I was guessing it was his he had some band posters on the walls that were a gray color he had some writing on the walls and a desk in a corner that had some papers that were drawn on I looked at them carefully they were good "Gee did you draw these?" He quickly snatched them from me and lightly chuckled "y-yeah" he said quietly "those are good" I told him while I pointed at the drawings behind his back "thanks" he said quietly he handed me pair of sweats and he left the room I quickly put the sweats on and walked back in the living room and looked at Gerard "I'm sorry" I told him "it's okay I was just working on something and I didn't want you seeing it yet" he explained he's hiding something I wanna see it though, I'm sure he'll show me later so I'll wait. "Wanna watch the rest of beetlejuice?" He asked me "hell yeah" he left to his room and came back with a blanket and threw it over my head I started to sit down but missed the couch and fell on my ass I heard him laughing and I started to laugh too he helped me up I was still laughing and under the blanket everything went quiet for a second and I screamed and then he screamed "haha I scared you" I said chuckling I took off the blanket and leaned against him he put his arm around me and I quickly blushed and slightly smiled I liked him I think I really liked him I decide to give him a quick kiss on the cheek and hid my face quickly under the blanket then he kissed my head I blushed and slightly looked up at him "I-I think I like you Gee.." I stuttered scared on what he was going to say so I looked away because there was a long pause after I said that it made me nervous "I think I like you too Frankie" I looked at him "really?" I asked him "of course you're sweet, caring, and really fucking cute I don't know how anyone can't like you" he explained as I started to blush "you are like the best guy ever" he told me I knew my face was all red because I could feel it then he looked at me "I love you" he said as he leaned in closer and softly kissed me and I kissed him back as he moved his hand to my cheek and pulled away slowly "let's finish this movie" he whispered "o-okay" I stuttered and leaned against him and focused on the movie.

OH SHIT A anyway shits getting into it bam bam Tatiana if you reading this you get a high five anyone else who's reading this you an imaginary sticker

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