Chapter 2

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*still gees point of view*
I sat there reading the comic then Mikey walked in and looked at me I looked back "did you eat anything?" He asked "yeah" I responded "good" he said before he walked away, I checked my phone to see if there was any new notifications, of course there wasn't. I put my phone down and started reading the comic again, about 10 minutes has passed and I started to dose off.
     I woke up in my room it was dark and cold I looked at my alarm clock it was 9:00 pm. I decided to get up and see if Mikey had left to go to his job I peered out the window and his car was gone, the rain falling harder then before I checked my phone it read 'three new messages' I opened one of them that one was from Mikey telling me that he had left and he put me in my room and he'll be home a little later I didn't like to be alone for such a long time but I'll have to deal with it. The other ones was from a guy named frank those read 'hey it's the guy from the store you don't have to pay me back I just wanted your number but maybe we can hang out sometime' then a smiley face I didn't know what that meant but okay, I blushed after reading it a couple times I thought he was kinda cute I texted him back saying 'yeah I would like that :)" he took awhile to answer he was probably busy or something but he responded with a 'okay how about Saturday at four I'm off then' 'sounds good' I replied then I put my phone down and went to the kitchen I was a little hungry but not that much so I just took out a tub of ice cream from the freezer and a spoon and sat on the couch and turned on my favorite horror movie.

My phone kept going off it was probably Mikey or something, nope flood warning I got that text a billon times then frank texted me asking if I was alright because I think he might have got the warning too I replied with 'yep I'm good just watching a movie with a tub of ice cream' 'cute, text me if something happens' I blushed at his last text. I shouldn't have texted Mikey while he was at work but I did 'Mikey I got a text about another flood warning should I do something?' 'No it's fine we live up on a hill we'll be good, I'll be home later' I put my phone down and watched the rest of my movie.

I had fell asleep and woke up to a call and I answered it, it was frank "hey you haven't responded to any of my text I was getting a little worried" aw that's cute "aw why" I answered with a sleepy voice "I don't know I just worry about people I care about" "aw" I answer with a yawn "were you asleep, I'm sorry if I woke you up" he said "no it's okay" I answer "go back to sleep you sound tired" he said "okay" I respond and then he hangs up and I put my phone down and I look at the time it was almost 11 I walk into Mikey's room and I laid down on his bed and fell asleep.
I woke up to a shake and a voice telling me to scoot over and I did so I knew it was Mikey I always sleep in his bed when he's gone he gotten used to it, he knows I don't like to be alone for long so I just stay in here and either draw or play on his gaming system, his room makes me feel safer then my room when I'm alone. Mikey laid down and fell asleep it took awhile for me to fall back asleep but I had won and fell back asleep again.

Hey I can't spell for shit and I think this shit cringy so imma keep going with this "book shit" so peace out mf

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