Chapter 3

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*franks point of view*
I woke up around 7 am, I need to get ready for work. I can't stop thinking about that guy, I check my phone to see if there was any new notifications but of course there wasn't I decide to eat something before I go so I walk down stairs I don't feel like making anything so I just take an apple I'm not that hungry.

I drive in the rain listening to one of my favorite bands it takes awhile to get to work because some of the roads were flooded but I arrive at the mall. I walk inside and walk in to the comic store and I walk to the back no one really comes in here, I just play on my phone until I decide to clean up a little so I'll get paid. I open the back door and propped it so it wouldn't close and lock me out I light a cigarette and look at the time it was 4 I'm off, I finish my cigarette and wait for the other dude to walk in to take over he was always late getting here but I don't care I have nothing else to do. He doesn't show up so I just close up.

I start driving to a cemetery, there was a grave I just sit by and start venting to her the name on the grave was kinda worn out but on the bottom it said 'wife, mother' stuff like that. I walk up to her grave it was underneath a tree so the rain wasn't such a problem
I sat by the grave and start venting about everything that happened it feels like she's the only one that listens to me about anything no ones there for me so she's the only one I felt connected to.
As I was talking a man in all black walks up to me and asks "what are you doing here?" "Who are you?" I ask the man in all black takes off his hood and it was the guy from the shop "Gerard" he said I got his name, but why was he here? "Oh you kinda scared me why are you here" I asked him "that's my grandma's grave I just came here to put these on her grave" he said as he held a Bouquet of red roses " these were her favorite" he said only a bit more quieter than before
I knew he was getting a bit upset but I didn't know if he was getting upset about me being here or he just really missed her "I should leave" I said as I got up "no" he whispered " we can get something to eat or something" I knew he was upset he probably needed to take his mind off stuff. I agreed and we got in my car "where's your car?" I ask "I don't live too far away from here and I like the rain so I took a walk up here" his voice cracking when he had spoke he was probably cold if he walked in the rain so I turned on the heater "thank you" he said while shivering  "so what kind of food do you like?" I ask as I look over at him, his hair was wet,  jet black and kinda long it looked good on him "Chinese?" He asked "hell yeah that sounds good" I said as I saw a small smile form on his face.

He ordered some noodle type thing I don't know the name of it we shared that it was good but we were both hungry so we finished it really quick "so would you call this a date?" I asked he blushed "you c-can call it that" he smiled as he blushed.
I walked to the car and leaned against it as I lit a cigarette I thought about him every time I took a hit of the cigarette then he walked out of the restaurant I watched him as I took another hit of the cigarette he stood by me and asked "can I hit that?" I gave him the cigarette and got in the car and turned on the heater so when he got in he wouldn't have been so cold.  After that I drove him home as I pulled in the driveway "Mikey's gone" he said "Mikey?" I asked "my brother" he told me  "he's always gone though he always working and when he gets home he just falls asleep" he explained "I hate being alone can you come inside and watch a movie with me..?" He had asked me "of course" I told him he got out and I followed him up to his house we went inside and he took off his shoes "can you take off your shoes?" He had asked "sure" I told him i took of my shoes and put them right next to Gerard's, I went to sit on the couch he put in a movie and sat next to me.

I don't know why I'm still writing this but it's whatever now if you read this your cool and I'll give you a sticker

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