closing chapter

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started at 1:28

date: 2-13-2021

*gerards pov* 

me and frank moved to California, one of many places i wanted to move to, even though i love jersey. i still wanted to move here. me and frank have two wonderful kids. their names are Cale and Conner. they are very hyper and sometimes wont leave me and frankie alone by ourselves, i don't care though. i love them with all my heart. 

me and frank agreed that he'll be the biological father. our children look so much like him. i love that about them. their bright hazel eyes, jet black hair. his nasty attitude. Frankie has been spending more time with the kids. hes in a band like he always wanted to be and hes leaving next week. frank loves his kids with all his heart and wants to be around them 24/7 but when hes on tour he can't. 

our lives has gotten much better from we were young, we ran from cops. ran from abusive exes. everything you can think of we did and im proud that we had each other through the hard times we went through. i love him and i will always love him. 

hey guys, i wrote this on my compute so it kinda sucks. yes this is the last chapter on this "book" but there is another story on my page if you like to check it out. since middle school i have changed and grown. i found someone that makes me happy and im glad i met them. i love him with everything i have. i moved out of my grandmothers because she was very toxic as some of you know and i just took somethings and left. my plan was to go to cali but samuel had other plans and met me now im waiting for the day he turns 18 so me can move away together. (i am a year younger than him so im not a pedo) i moved in with my friend and im glad i did because they treat me like a person and not someone to order around the house. im currently thinking about cutting my hair, im thinking about getting a "wolf cut" if thats what you call it. im glad i read over these chapters and thought about "what the actual fuck was i thinking" i was kinda dumb on writing this but yes, this is the last chapter and im sorry that is took so long to publish. maybe go read the other story on my page. other then all of this, thank you and so long and goodnight

ended: 1:55

date 2-13-2021

Rainy nightsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن