Chapter 1

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*gees point of view*
I look up from my comic book to look out the window it was still raining, it's been raining for a couple days now and I'm starting to forget what the sun looks like, in some areas of the street it is beginning to flood. I decide to put on some sweatpants and a hoodie and I also grab my car keys, I walk outside to my car, I get in and I drive off to the mall I ran out of comic books to read and I'm also quite hungry, I pull into the parking lot, I get out and I lock my car, I start hurrying inside I don't mind the rain but I'm really hungry. I get my food from the food court I sit at a table so I can see the comic book store and I peer inside and it doesn't look like anyone is in there except for a small man behind the counter, no one really goes in there except for me and another guy. I finish my food and walk in to the store.
I look around for a comic I haven't read yet I finished almost all of these, I found a comic I wanted and walked up to the counter with the small man behind it. I put the comic on the counter and reached for my wallet and pulled out all the money I had but it was short, "hey, I don't enough money can hold this for me?" The small man behind the counter all he did was smile and say "it's cool I got you" I then panicked ,I didn't know how to respond to that "u-um I can pay you back later I just have to run home" the man responded with "oh yeah let me give you my number" I just blushed and looked away" the man smiled and I gave him my phone and he put his number in my phone and he gave it back "T-Thanks" I said still blushing he payed for the comic and I walked out of the mall. I drove home thinking about that guy and I didn't even get his name I'm thinking about a guy who I didn't even know the name of how stupid am I. Mikey's car was in the driveway when I got home so I parked in the street and went inside. I sat by the window and read my comic.

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