Dance Until You Die

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry."

Roman frowned. "Hey, there's nothing to be sorry for."

Patton stepped forward and nodded rapidly. "Exactly! There is nothing to be ashamed of, kiddo. Nothing at all."

Roman lightly tightened his grip on the tall witch as he mulled over the explanation for why the anxious emo witch freaked.


Roman's eyes blew wide as he watched tears spill down Virgil's face. His chest rose and fell erratically as sobs erupted from his mouth. Patton went to surge forward only to stop and freeze, unsure if he would be able to help or not. Logan and Remy moved quickly to pull Virgil out of his chair and sit him on the floor so he wouldn't end up falling out of it. Roman felt his heart clench painfully as Virgil curled in on himself, the fabric of his skirts getting twisted around his legs. "

Patton wrung his hands repeatedly. "Is there anything-" he bit his lip. "Is there anything we can do to help?" He asked.

Logan nodded. "Are any of you strong enough to hold Virgil in your lap and make sure he doesn't accidentally hurt himself?"

Roman flushed as both Emile and Patton glanced at him. "Yeah, Roman plays football and does theatre.."

"What's football?" Remy asked as he turned and beckoned Roman to come over.

Roman let himself be guided to the floor where he could pull Virgil into his lap as gently as he could. "What-" Emile paused, choosing his next words carefully. "What did He do?"

Remy bit his lip. "He used Virgil's power. He asked him how it worked. He asked him to demonstrate it. Virgil or course wasn't going to but Eli used his own power, puppetry, to force Virgil to sing."

Logan sighed. "Virgil ran home as fast as he could to tell us and we were able to poison Eli and sew his mouth shut. Unfortunately, Eli told the town about us. Made them weary. So when Virgil lured Binx to our home so we could help him and John told others, it was all too easy for the townspeople to believe him."

Tears sprang in Roman's eyes as he pulled Virgil closer. Binx and John jumped up into Virgil's lap to help calm the witch and Roman as they purred. He redirected his attention to helping Virgil.


Anger seeped into his veins at the thought of that wretched zombie witch he met earlier using Virgil's charming voice to lure children to him to take their lives. He didn't think what Logan did to that witch was good enough. That devil deserved more than just being poisoned and getting his mouth sewn shut. Although he appreciated the effort from Logan and Remy. But he was going to make sure that the devil paid. He wasn't going to let Virgil go unavenged.


Logan, Remy, and Virgil glanced around with barely masked confusion as children in costumes ran around with bags full of candy. "So you're telling me that All Hallow's Eve has become a night of frolic where children wear costumes and run amok to get candy?" Logan asked.

"Yup," Emile answered. "We call it Halloween now."

Virgil began hopping up and down, "Amok! Amok! Amok! Amok!"

Logan groaned, feeling his soul leave his body at his brother's successful attempt to annoy him. Roman giggled at the adorable emo witch in front of him. Logan pinched the bridge of his nose and let out an annoyed huff. "This is not good. Eli will be looking for children to suck the lives out of so that he doesn't turn to dust come sunrise. It will be a lot easier for him to get enough children to keep him young if they're all out and about."

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