Falling with Portals (Reference? I Don't Know Her)

Start from the beginning

Got an idea of her yet?

"Ooh!" She pointed at a thrift shop with all sorts of classic clothes that you could see through the glass. It looked quaint, with a painted-white bricked exterior and a faded sign that was hard to read. "How about we go in there?"

I pulled my jacket closer. "No thanks, Adds." I don't want any last gifts to remind me of you when you're gone.

She groaned, striking a pose with her hip cocked and her eyes rolled. "You're absolutely no fun."

"I know." Why do you have to leave me? Especially when you know that people don't like me and I don't like people (excluding you, of course).

She gave a louder groan and dragged me again, pulling me down this small-suburb road.

I let her, stewing in my thoughts. I'll miss this, her forcing me to interact with the outside world. It's an odd thing to miss, but somehow, Addy made it bearable.

"Oh, this looks like something you'll like!"

My eyes raised to the sky, then to the storefront. "Look, Adds, I don't want any—"

It was a tiny little thing, with that Victorian architecture style I liked and a small little sign that read, in neat calligraphy, 'Annie's Jewel Store.' In the window were pieces of old gold necklaces.

I loved antique jewelry.

I was quiet for a moment, before I whispered, "Maybe I'll go in."

Addy grinned, doing a little dance to herself. "Yes! I knew you'd like it!"

Almost as if in a daze, I walked forward and opened the door. The bell chimed daintily, much like the woman who came toddling toward me.

"Oh, hello there!" she exclaimed, taking my hand and shaking it vigorously. Her smile was bright, and her white hair was pulled back into a bun. She was rotund and wore a lacy white apron against a red dress, but that just made her look like your favorite grandma that always gave you cookies when you came over and let you watch TV for as long as you wanted.

"Hi," I breathed.

Her smile grew wider. "You seem like the type for rings, honey—subtle, but can make a statement in the right way. Come this way, I've got a fine collection of them." She turned her back to me, leading the way to a corner of the store.

My mouth gaped open. How did she—

Without turning around, she tapped her temple. "Old lady intuition, my dear."

My mouth closed as I stood in front of the ring case, and the bell clanged this time as Addy burst into the room.

"Darling, what did I miss?" she yelled, sauntering over to me and hovering over my shoulder, examining the rings.

Annie, however, had different plans.

She tugged Addy away from me and pulled her head toward hers, inspecting her very Latin face with a small frown.

"Feather earrings," Annie said at once, letting my startled friend go. "I've got a lovely pair right this way, if you'll just follow me..."

As my also stunned amiga loco was led away, I turned my gaze back to the rings.

Instantly my eyes were drawn to a large ruby-like stone with a flashy gold band, but I shook my head. That wasn't my style—I wasn't big and loud like Addy.

{DISCONTINUED} A Skele-Reader (AU!Sans X Cursed!Skeleton!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now