Chapter Five

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Three months ago

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Three months ago...

"Let me get this straight, you got a job at a coffee shop?" I struggle to make sense of everything Ellie's said as I shove my spoon into the ice cream and cram it into my mouth.

Ellie puffs out steam and shakes the blonde curls out of her hair. "I mean, yeah. This is week two. I get paid soon, so there's that. And I get discounts on merch and shit. So bonus there too."

"Wow, look at you! When I suggested coffee shop, I didn't actually think you'd go for it."

"Well, I did. So fuck you." I smile as she eases off the counter and heads for the fridge. She pulls out her own icecream and plops down beside me. "Tell me about this new kid of yours. What were you saying about him?"

"Well, he's been here about a week," I start, "and he's the cutest thing you've ever seen. He and his dad moved here from Texas a few months ago after mom took off."

"But now mom's back?" She guesses.

"Exactly. The kid is excited, but dad is nervous. Every interaction I have with him is frigid. I can tell he wants to make this work, but since it's his ex's idea he's really uncertain."

"Is he hot?"

"What?" There's no masking the fluster creeping across my face.

Ellie smirks and waves her spoon in my face. "I knew it, you totally wanna bang this kid's dad! Don't you?"

"Ellie, weren't you listening? He's got a complicated thing going on with his wife, and I'm his son's teacher, it's not-"

"Do you or do you not want to bang this dad?" I gnaw on my lip. She wiggles her brows and takes another bite of her ice cream. "I think I made my point. He's a dilf. A dad i'd like to fuck."

"You know I can't, even if I want to."

"And you do, which is progress. This is the first guy you've been physically attracted to since ole fuckface banged his business partner."

"Thanks for bringing that up again," I grumble.

"No problem. I'm just saying this is good. Really good. Maybe you're finally ready to get back out there."

Silence soaks up between us. I eye my icecream and nod slowly to myself. "You know what? I think you might be right." I finally say. "I think I'm finally ready to get out there again."

"'ll fuck this dad?"


"Kidding, I'm kidding." She says defensively. "God, you really need to get laid. Your lady parts are shriveling up inside of you. I think you're finally ready to do the ole hump-and-dump."

"Cause that worked so great last time." I snort.

"You weren't ready. That was my mistake. But now you are. Your hots for that dad proves it. You need to have sex in a bathroom with a strange man you have no intentions of ever seeing again. Let's go."

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