" im going to ask my dad first.. Wait, I'll just call him.. " I dialed my dads number.. I walk away a little to them.. I enjoyed walking while talking to my dad..

" yes dad. No.. we wont drink till dawn promise.. Its just me, chaeng and Seulgi with Irene.. Alright.. Thanks dad .. Love you too.." I ended up the call..
I didn't notice that I already reach the back of our building..

" Just come with me Jennie, I'll take you to heaven. " I was about to head back to our spot but I stop when I heard her voice.. My heartbeat becomes fast..

" No! No don't.. Leave me alone.. Please.. " That voice.. Its Jennie Kim..
I headed back and saw her on the ground with red cheek.. He slap her?! Is he gay?! And that's the guy on the summer outing? So he's just pretending to be nice to her to do his evil motives.. Jennie is shaking.. Her lips were bleeding..

" Someone help... " Jennie shouts crying..

" Yah! What are you doing to her?! " I shouted.. This creepy girl is always in trouble..

" don't interfere Manoban! Or you might want to get hurt?! " He smiled evilly.. He knows me huh..

" Try me.. " I smirk.. He launch his fist.. I grab and twisted it on his back then I kick his right leg.. Now he's on his knees.. He wince in pain.. Basic, this guy forgot that Im a black belter.. I look at Jennie she's no longer there.. She left me? Seriously? Then I heard some footsteps coming..

" Its him Sir.. Please help Lisa.. " Oh she called for help.. I thought she left me.. What?! No! Its not what I mean..
The guards grab the guy..

" Are you okay Lisa?" Jennie came rushing to me.. She hold my face and examine if I have bruises.. My face heated..

" Im fine.. You? Are you okay? " She let go of my face..

" I told you they have chemistry.. " ow fuck me.. Its the three crackheads..

" Im going now.. Please be careful next time.. And go to the clinic to clean your wounds " Chaeng grin evilly at me and put her hands on my shoulder..

" Bye Jennie.. " Seulgi said..

We headed home after class and canceled the arcade thingy.. I wonder if the creepy girl went home too.. She didn't attend our last subject..

" Exactly, when she's in trouble you always come to save her.. Its destiny.." Irene said. they keep on telling me about the destiny thingy..

" No, just an accident.. " I fired back,im not interested really.. Or am I?

" Kim is gorgeous Lisa.. " Chaeng nods and Irene..

" but creepy.. " I said..

"Remember what you told me bout the scrapbook?" Chaeng just laugh but got startled by the thunder .. I chuckled at her ..

" I didn't notice that its raining " Seulgi said..

" I'll get us another chicken and beer.. " I got up from my seat.. I came back with another set of beer and chickens..
I heard the doorbell..

" Did you guys order something? " They shake their heads.. Then who could it be? Cant be my father.. And its raining hard outside..
I took an umbrella and headed outside.. Its super cold damn.. I saw someone standing in the rain just wearing a hoodie and soaking wet..

" What can I do for you? " She lifted her hood.. Darn its the creepy girl.. Chills run down my spine.. She's smiling and soaking wet.. Fuck me, she's wet because of the rain moron.. I immediately run to her to shield her with my umbrella . Her lips had a cut because of that bastard.. Tss..

" Lisa.. I just wanted to give this to you.. " Her body is shaking she's really cold I guess .
"are you crazy? Its raining hard! Look at you you're soaking now.. And how did you know where I live? " I ask her
She just smiled at me.. I felt guilty by shouting at her..

" I followed you and your friends earlier.. Just wanted to say thank you.. Here.. Im going home now.. " See? she's a freaking stalker. She handed me a plastic bag with container inside.. She was about to run but I stop her..
" Wait.. Its raining hard.. Do you have a car? " She shake her head..
" And its dark.. Its not safe to go home, come with me" .. I guided her inside my house.. Oh god.. I forgot about the crackheads..

" Jennie Kim? What happened? " Its Chaeng.. She sounds worried.. i immediately grab a towel..

" Here.. I'll just help her guys.. " They nod.. They look worried for the creepy girl.. Well my friends are just like me. A tease with a soft heart.. We went upstairs..
" Here.. I don't know if my shirt and sweatpants will fit on you, you're kinda small.. You can use my bathroom.. Don't worry the undies are new.. Just take a hot bath, we're just in the living room okay? You can join us after.." I blushed remembering the panty thingy.. She chuckled..

" You're such a gentleman and sweet " She entered the bathroom and I went downstairs..

" How is she? " Irene asked..

" She's taking a bath now.. I told her she can join us after " I remembered the plastic bag.. I put it in the counter..

" What's that? " Seulgi asked..

" its from the creepy girl.. " I answered.. So this are cookies.. I smiled..

" What is she doing in the rain though? " Its Irene

" How did she know where you live? " They bombarding me with questions..

" calm your asses okay? She followed us earlier.. And maybe after knowing where I live, she bought this.. " I show them the cookies..

" Aww that's so sweet of her.. May be she's so thankful because you saved her earlier, you know to do this effort.. " Irene said..

" I guess.. " I scratch my nape..

" Are you blushing? Oh gosh look at her.. " Chaeng teased me..

" shut up will you? " I knitted my eyebrows, this chipmunk aish! Seulgi laugh..

" But hey Lisa, do you know the beautiful girl in the tennis club? " Im thinking about who Seulgi determine.. Oh Kim Jisoo the goddess of tennis club..

" What about her? " Im confused..

" Chaeng confess her feelings to her.. " my eyes widen..

Why it has to be you Jennie Creepy Kim?Where stories live. Discover now