A Thousand Birds - Under Attack

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Reina's P.O.V.

Sasuke continued to try and attack the sand dome where Gaara was hiding. He threw countless shurikens, which only bounced off, proving to be a futile choice of weapon. I frowned. 'How long had Sasuke been going at this for? It seems like Gaara's defense is pretty much impossible to break through...' I wondered, looking around to see everyone else's reactions. Everyone seemed to be staring intently at the battle, waiting for something to happen. Waiting for Sasuke to find a way through the tough defense that surrounded his opponent.

Naruto was biting his lip and trembling slightly as he watched the battle continue. I walked over to Naruto.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I whispered to him.

Naruto glanced over at me and right back to the fight, "Sasuke... He can't fight him. Sasuke is in danger!" He scowled, clenching his fists tightly at his side.

I frowned, shaking my head slightly. "You can't be thinking like that, Naruto." I scolded, "You both have been training a lot these past few weeks, right?"

He looked me in the eye, slowly starting to calm down. He nodded, "Y-yeah, but that guy is dangerous. You don't--"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Naruto." I muttered out sternly. "Believe in him."

He nodded, "I-I, I'll try." He responded.

I grinned sloppily, scooting closer to his side and hesitantly reaching for his hand. "Good," I muttered, touching his hand with my fingers. I tensed up, immediately regretting my decision.

I felt Naruto intertwine his fingers with my own, "If you wanted to hold my hand, you could have just asked me, dattebayo!" He teased, an idiotic grin making it's way to his face.

My face flushed in warmth, causing me to look away from him in embarrassment. "S-shut up, alright? I didn't mean to touch y-your hand, b-baka!" I stuttered out, taking glances at him every now and then before looking away, again in embarrassment.

Naruto laughed, his thumb caressing my hand. Before I could say anything in response to his actions, our attention was drawn to Sakura.

"What's he doing, Kaka-sensei?"

Naruto and I looked over at Sakura, and then towards the middle of the arena for Sasuke. I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion.

"Wait, where the hell did he go?" I asked, not seeing Sasuke anywhere near Gaara.

"Look!" Naruto shouted, pointing his finger towards the side of the arena.

And there he was, the infamous Uchiha, clinging to the side of the arena while grasping his wrist downwards. A minute or two passed, and then finally something was starting to happen. It looked like he was building up something in the palm of his hand.

My eyes widened, realizing what he was doing. "No way..." I gasped, looking over at Dad-- I mean, Kakashi. That's Kakashi's jutsu.

"The reason I decided on training Sasuke was because..." Kakashi started, staring over at Sasuke. Sasuke's hand started to glow brighter and sounds started to resonate throughout the air. "He's a lot like me."

My heart ached and I winced at his words. It seemed like Sasuke really was my replacement for Kakashi. He was no doubt stronger than me. My eyes watched Sasuke's every move as he started to run down the wall, leaving a path of broken rubble due to the sphere of lighting formed in his hand. He ran towards Gaara, screaming loudly.

I gripped Naruto's hand tightly, "Chidori..." I muttered out as Sasuke jabbed his hand directly into the sand dome. Sand scattered around Sasuke, his hand penetrating through what was known as Gaara's ultimate defense.

The arena fell silent, shocked at the scene before them. Everyone was practically leaning out of their seats, waiting for the next portion of the fight. Everyone wanted to know whether Sasuke's attack actually managed to injure Gaara, or if it was yet another fluke.

Naruto's grip tightened, breaking me out of the trance like state I was in. I looked at Naruto, watching his face contort into one of jealousy. I sighed. 'First, he's afraid for Sasuke, and now he's jealous of what Sasuke is able to do...'

I looked back towards the fight. Sasuke's arm was still lodged inside Gaara's sand. Sasuke started to struggle and try to remove his hand from deep within the sand. My eyes widened when Gaara started to scream in agony. Sasuke used Chidori again in an attempt to free his arm, which only caused Gaara to scream even more.

As Sasuke managed to free his arm and jump back, an arm that sprouted from the sand reached towards him. The arm retreated back into the sand upon not being able to land a hit on Sasuke. I started to feel sick to my stomach. I grimaced, looking around nervously to see if anyone else was feeling the same way as me. Something was wrong. Something felt horribly off and I didnt like it one bit. Everything felt so tense.

We all snapped our eyes towards the sand dome that Gaara has created, upon hearing it start to crack. The sand fell, revealing Gaara and his injury. Gaara was panting heavily and glaring at Sasuke.

"What do you think--" I started, only to be thrown off guard by what seemed to be feathers that were falling out the sky. I stared at them in confusion. "What the hell?"

I yelped as I was dragged to the ground by Naruto. I grit my teeth together and prepared to yell at him. "Hey, you baka! Watch it--!" My eyes widened in shock. Naruto was knocked out.

Then it hit me.

"Genjutsu!" I cursed, leaning down and forming the hand sign with Naruto's hand still intertwined with my own to release the genjutsu. "Release!"

Kakashi, Gai, and Sakura seemed to be the only ones around us that also noticed what was going on. Shika, Choji, and everyone else were knocked out.

An explosion then rang out from the overhang where the Hokage and Kazekage were. My eyes flew open.

"Kakashi! Is it what I think it is?" Gai asked, peering over at the explosion.

Kakashi nodded, "I think so..." He muttered.

I removed Naruto's fingers from my own and stood up, looking over at Kakashi and Gai. "Uncle Gai, what's happening?" I demanded.

Uncle Gai glanced over at me, "The village is under attack. Prepare to fight." He stated, his eyes gleaming with anger.

My mouth opened and closed. I couldn't find the right words. I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my fists tightly, my nails drawing blood from the palm of my hands.

"I got this, Uncle Gai. We got this." I replied, reaching into my weapon holster and grabbing my handy and friendly slab of hard metal. It formed into a jagged dagger.


I gulped in slight fear, but somehow managed to put a determined smirk on my face.


"We'll protect the village and it's people, believe it!" I exclaimed proudly, my heart pounding.

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