Forgotten Memory (Part 1)

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"Alice! Come back here!" I shouted at her.

"No! Today, I'll find out the reason why it is closed" she replied back

"Ali! They asked us to stay away from there. Do you want to get scolded?"

"No brother. Who wants to get scolded? But I am really curious about it. Aren't you too?"

I opened my mouth to reply her back but she cut me off.

"No but. Don't you want to know why they always avoid the topic when we ask them about attic?"

I want to. Really want to.

"No. There must be a reason"

"We will ask them again"

"Nope. I am going in. I even got this" She said proudly showing the key.

My eyes went wide. "Where did you get that. Don't tell me-"

"I did and its end. Even if you don't want, I am going in" she said turning her back at me.

She climed the ladder and put the key in the keyhole and turned in. She opened it.

Compared to me, my sister, I have always known her to be a daring type. If I take some time to do something, she does it in a minute without thinking of consequences that follows. If I am peace loving guy, she is noisy. If you tell her not to do something she will definitely do that and this is the reason why she has been suspended from school for a week.To be honest I really get jealous sometimebecause of her carefree attidute.

Conclusion - Well we are completely opposite.

Hi. I am Alan and I am 16 year old high school kid and my job today is to babysit my sister. I don't really believe mom. I mean come on, this girl is 10 year old. I think she is too old enough for a babysitter.

And believe me since morning, I have been cleaning her mess. She should be grateful for this. That brat!

"Alan! Come inside!" She shouted.

"Coming!" I replied back and started climbing the ladder.

"Ali, don't roam around. You will get hurt"


I knew it. She is so impatient.

"Don't move. Let me switch on the lights"

The attic was much larger than I expected. It was too dark therefore I looked for the lights and thankfully I found it. I switched it on.

I looked around and saw her sitting holding her leg.

"Are you alright? Let me take a look" I said kneeling down.

"I am alright. I just tripped on my feet. It is just a scratch" She said embarrassed.

"Oh poor Ali. My dear Ali. You must be on pain. Do you want to go to doctor?" I teased her.

"Stop it!" She said and suddenly broke into smile.

"Serves you right. See the God gave you punishment for troubling your only brother" I said smirking.

"Now stop it. Will you?" She said.

"Ok ok" I said smiling and looked around.

The half of the attic was full of boxes. The fine particles of dust was all over the place. It felt stuffy.

"Alan look what I found" Suddenly Alice said holding a sword. A toy sword. A laser emitting one.

I went over there. And looked inside. There were toys that I played when I was young. They seemed familiar. I suddenly felt sad.

"Alan do you remember playing with these?" She asked me.

"I don't remember it" I said quietly.

"You never got your memory back after that accident. Did you?" She asked me.

I shook my head.

"Anyway. I can keep these toys? Pretty please?" She begged with those puppy eyes.

"Fine. Keep it" I sighed.

I was told that that I got I to an accident when I was young which took my memory away. Dissociative Amnesia is what the doctors said I suffered from.

"I found an album. Let's see it together" she said sitting cross legged on the floor.

I also sat down. Ali was opened the album.

There were pictures of the wedding. Everyone was smiling.

"Mom looks so pretty" she exclaimed.

I nodded smiling. I know I would be bragging now but let me tell you good looks run onto this family.

She turned. It was pictures of  mom lying on the hospital bed and holding me was I was born.

"It must be you. You look so cute" she said

There were also other pictures of our happy times. She never showed us this album. Why? I lost in my thought.

"Who is this? It looks like other baby. Do you know? You are also smiling" she exclaimed.

"Huh?" I looked closely. The baby looked familiar. Suddenly I felt scared and stuffy.

She turned the next picture. It was me chasing other boy. Not more than 3 years in age. We were smiling.

I snatched the album and started turning the pages. I stopped at a picture where I was standing with my hands on the boy's shoulder. "Alan and George"

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