The Enchanted Forest

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"I can't stop ! Not now! Never!" Irene muttered to herself. Continuously looking backward to see if someone was following her. She didn't knew where her feet was going to take her. But she had to run for her life as it was in danger. She ran and ran, it felt never ending. Soon she reached an entrance to the forest. She could hear the voices shouting for her. It was nearing her. She didn't stopped. She ran inside the forest but she didn't knew the rumour about it. People kept the distance from it. They always avoided this place since it was said a monster , a dark fairy lived there. Her dark magic place made this forest enchanted. Once someone took a step inside it no one was supposed to return back. That's how omnious it was. But Irene didn't knew about it for she was busy protecting herself from the organ traffickers that were chasing her. Those men kidnapped her and gave her drugs, making her prepare for organ donation. If she didn't secretly called over the police, if the commotion was not created she couldn't have been alive. She was intelligent for seven years old.

She ran deep into the forest, she couldn't hear any voices now. She finally stopped. She was exhausted. Bruises covered her body. Needle marks could been seen. She started walking slowly, her steps were staggered. The drugs was finally taking the effects soon she became dead to the world.

She opened her eyes. It was still night. The forest seemed dense but still she could see the stars shining brightly. Now maybe her future could be bright like this. Her parents must be worried. She needs to go back to them. Tears formed in her eyes. It started dropping down soon it turned to sobbing. She couldn't control it. She was so immersed in it she didn't felt the presence beside her.

"What are you doing in this forest?" Said the voice.

Irene was startled by it. She turned to face the speaker. It was a man, no a monster. He was big and tall as a bamboo. His face was covered with the hair. The piercing silver eyes were hooked on her. Fear coursed her veins.

"Please don't kill me. I am sorry I disturbed you. I'll do everything that you will say, please just don't kill me" she begged in her child voice.

"I won't kill you little one. What are you doing here in this forest in this dark night. It seemes you don't know about this forest" suddenly said a beautiful sing-song voice. The man disappeared and a beautiful lady stood there. She had wings. She was a fairy.

Despite her fear she was awestruck by it. She never got to see anything like this.

"You are a fairy? Can you help me?" Irene said now begging on her knees.

The fairy went closer to her and sat next to her. "What is it?" She asked softly.

Irene then explained her about everything.
"Oh, my poor child. What pain you needed to go through, but you see to gain something you need to give something. So you need to answer few of my questions. If you could do that I'll give you something that will take you to your parents but if you fail you need to give me something. Can you do that?"

"I can do it. It's not like I have any choice"

"So, here goes my first question.
What is the best sleep?

"Mother's arms"

"What are the three dangerous thing in the world?"

"Anger, resentment and grudge"

"Which milk is the best?"


"Which is the sweetest thing?"

"Words that are spoken"

"Which is the best emotion that a person can show?"


"Hmm, you are not an ordinary young lady. No one has ever passed my test. You are the first one. Since, I promised you to help you I would do so. Walk straight and you will come across a box" she said and vanished.

Irene got up and walked straight. She faltered but her determination never stopped. She went on and on. The fairy was watching her. She was impressed by this girl's determination. A faint smile formed on her face and she rose her wand and disappeared.

Her steps were becoming slower and slower but she didn't want to give in. But she was just 7 years old. Her legs finally gave in. She dropped down. A light appeared next to her , a faint light. It came from a box. It looked antique. She slowly opened it. The light became bright and Whoosh!

She woke up. She roamed her eyes. The surrounding felt familiar. It was her room. She was back in her room. She ran downstairs. She could see her mom cooking. She ran towards her and hugged her from behind. "Oh. What has gotten into you? Don't you want to go to school? Hurry up! You are going to be late! Mom said scolding but hugging her.

"What do you mean? I was missing for days! I was kidnapped by those traffickers" she said confused.

"You might have a nightmare. You had a holiday. We went to the vacation. Now go!" She said playfully pushing her.

So, that was a dream it was so realistic she thought.

She bid her parents goodbye and went inside the school bus that was waiting for her. The bus passed intersection. A big display tv was showing "Yesterday, a group of men were arrested who were suspected to be involved in an organ trafficking-


So this was the first story of this collection.

I hope you liked it.

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