Summer Eve

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It's late August, the night is warm and it smells of the ocean.

The white suburban McMansion is pretty standard, there's a lot of cars already parked in the front, there are people drinking, talking and smoking outside the house.

Rap is blasting from inside the house and it blends with another rap song blasting from someone's car.

Inside there are different cliques and groups of people dispersed around the house.

We seem to be the only freshmen at the place. Great... I don't like being the youngest, but what can I do, dad forced them to make me skip a grade back in elementary school.

My dress looks like an oversized tank top, in the center there's a print of one of those Mexican Candy Skulls and there are several rhinestones glued to the fabric as accents... While I chose it myself, Tiffany made me buy a size smaller so it feels a little too tight and short for me.

I keep thinking the fabric is going to ride up and show my butt, I don't like that. So I stand against one of the walls.

Ptsf goes the can of Dr. Pepper that Tiffany opens next to my ear.

-Jesus!- I complain and turn around to face her.

-Lighten up, Rebecca. You are sulking there.- Tiffany complains back.

-The dress is too short... I don't feel comfortable.-

-Then tie your cardigan around your waist but stop sulking, you look like a loser standing there.- Kelly steps into the conversation, annoyed at me. But Kelly being annoyed is her default mood so I don't make much of it.

-Here's your Soda, Rebecca.- Tiffany deepens her voice, trying to sound like my dad, I guess. But it comes out more like Batman.

-I don't understand why you are always sober at this things.- Kelly complains.

-Yeah, you make us feel bad... Like we are bad influences.- Tiff seconds the complaint.

-If my dad finds out I drank he will flip out. I see how he gets with Hunter every time he comes back from a party.- I shrug and take a sip from the fizzy drink.

Stacy offers me a smile, -I think is better that you don't drink at these things, you are only fourteen.-

-Ugh, Stacy!- Kelly shoves her sister on the right shoulder. -Don't be a prude. Her birthday is in two days. She is basically fifteen. Like us.-

-Yeah, and Rebeca is super mature for a girl her age. That's why we think maybe for once she can let loose.-

A girl wearing a bikini and a towel wrapped around her waist passes with a tray filled with red shot glasses. Kelly and Tiffany take as many as they can.

-Here.- Tiff pushes the shot glass to my face. -It's cherry.-

-Nope.- I take a sip from my Dr Pepper. -I don't drink Tiff.-

Tiff and Kelly both groan disappointed at me. They both toast and down shots.

The shots taste like shit, I can tell because of the painful faces the girls make after drinking.

-UH!- Tiff shouts, pretending to have enjoyed the shot. -That's strong!-

-Cough... Yeah.- Kelly gags a little.

Stacy takes one of the shots and also downs it, she shuts her eyes tightly and shakes her head after swallowing -Ugh! No... Let's find beer these things have too much vodka or something.-

-No! Let's do a couple more of these!- Tiffany orders and she drags me from the arm towards the Kitchen, where the girl with the tray wandered off.

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