10 Days

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Bakugo's POV

10 days left until it's my farwell...

If you're wondering what I mean, I mean that I'm planning on killing myself. The heartless bully with anger issues is planning to kill himself. Crazy huh? I have a reason for it.. wait no multiple reasons for it. I haven't been sleeping at all lately, probably just an hour or 2. My eye bags are very visible so I use concealer to cover it up. It's already 4 AM and class starts at 6 AM. Wow I'm such a mess aren't I? Well I'm gonna just try an go to sleep so yeah.

2 hours later..
6:42 AM

*BEEP BEEP* ugh what time is it..? I check my phone and it's.. ALREADY 6:42 AM?! OH FUCK I'M GONNA BE LATE! SHIT..

I get ready but I didn't have time to take a shower and do my hair so it's a bit messier then usual. I get out of my dorm room and rush to class. Once I got to class everyone propped there head up and looked at me with curious and worried faces I guess it's because I have never been late to class.
"Bakugo is everything alright you have never been late before?" Aizawa said.
"Just overslept that's all." I replied.
I went to my seat and laid my head down on my desk slowly drifting to sleep.

Midoriya's POV

Kacchan is never is late which is very unlikely of him and his hair is messier then usual. During class I try to concentrate one what the teacher says but I can't stop thinking about Kacchan, I'm really worried. The bell rings and everyone heads to lunch but Kacchan.
"Hey Midoriya you coming?" Uraraka asks
"U-uhm" I stutter while my face becomes red, the only reason why my face became red is because I get pretty nervous talking around girls I don't have a crush on her or anything!
"I have t-to do s-something, sorry." I manage to say
"Oh okay! See you at lunch!" She says with a smile on her face
She leaves the class and I look over at Kacchan and he seems to be sleeping. I walk over to him and tap on his shoulder
"H-hey Kacchan um class is o-over." I said in a quiet voice trying not to be to loud
He didn't move or say anything so I guess he didn't hear me. I then look at his face he looks so calm and peaceful. This might sound selfish but I don't want anyone else seeing him like this but me. He then slowly lifts his head up rubbing his eyes. I started blushing he looked adorable! Wa-wait what am I saying?!
"What..? D-deku?" Kacchan says innocently. This is the first time I heard him stutter.
"Wait... DEKU?! GET AWAY FROM ME NERD!" He starts yelling
"N-no let me explain! I w-was just trying to-" I was interrupted
"SHUT IT NERD!" Kacchan said cutting me off.
He stormed out of the class. Wait when I was looking at his face up close he had dark eyebags. Did he sleep at all? He looks really tired.. I need to talk to him.

End of chapter 1

Hi everyone! This is the first chapter jto this fanfiction so it isn't the best but I hope you enjoyed! If you'd like you can give me any critical feedback and if I need to improve on anything. I'll make the next chapter soon! Thanks for reading byeee :)

10 Days till my farewell || A DekuBaku FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now