► Chapter 27

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Neil Madden

Several days have passed and I've been sleeping less and less. Either I wake up in the middle of the night or stay up lost in thought unable to shut my eyes. It got to the point Frank shoved sleeping pills down my throat to make sure I functioned through the day.

Donovan hasn't given me a job to do. Everyone else is busy operating the business, destroying Keli's business, and those who aren't part of it are waiting for news about Matt. Donovan came up with some bullshit story to prevent Olivia from being suspicious of Mudo. Although, none of them are aware that Mudo knows where Matt is.

It's crazy to think the first one I think about when I go to sleep and when I wake up is Matt. Not about my job. Not about taking care of myself. Just Matt on a daily basis without fail. If someone told me I'd be this fucked up over him and head over heels in love with him, I would quite literally fire a bullet in their ass.

"Dad, I want pancakes," a little girl's voice reaches my ears drawing me out from my head. The pan in front of me sizzles on the stove after I stopped moving around the eggs.

"I don't know if they have pancake mix here," a man replies unsure.

I turn my head just enough to see from the corner of my eye Phoebe and her father, Wyatt enter the room. Wyatt is a man with average height and build, his light brown hair is fairly short and has equally dark brown eyes. The minute he notices me, his body tenses, walking at a cautious distance which I can't help but find amusing.

It's like watching a bunny trying to hop past a wolf without being noticed. Honestly, I have no idea what attracted Olivia to that man. As if on cue, Olivia herself walks into the kitchen as well, tightening a robe around her slender figure and starts rubbing her arms with a shudder. Caramel locks cascade down her shoulders much like Phoebe's who is still in pink pajamas.

She's right at home. I think bitterly to myself.

I don't understand why she has to be here. She could've stayed at one of Donovan's Villa away from all of us. It's clear Wyatt and Terry aren't comfortable being stuck with the side of the family Olivia cut ties with. Besides, it would do me a fucking favor never to see her face again.

Now I'm in a bad mood. A deep frown touches my face, shoving my eggs a little longer then flick off the stove. I serve myself on the plate already containing sausage and toasted bread. When I put the pan in the sink, I'm hit with memories of the times I'd cook for Matt. Having his attention solely on me—even though it was mostly on my body.

I miss that. Knowing he can't resist looking at me. Or his eating habit to be moaning, sucking, and licking at his food rather than sitting quietly. It's strange since I usually find that to be the most annoying thing about him.

Suddenly, I don't have the appetite to eat anymore. Leaving the pan where it is, I take out a fork from the drawers and whirl around to place the food in front of Phoebe who sat on the counter waiting. A grin etches on her face, "Is it for me?" She asks excitedly.

I nod taking an apple from the fruit bowl near Wyatt who avoids eye contact. "Yup, now be sure to eat it. It's Matt's favorite," I give her a smile attempting to distract her from thinking I didn't want it.

"Matt doesn't eat sausages anymore," Olivia chides in, taking the seat next to her husband.

Our eyes meet and I bring the apple to my mouth to hide the smirk. "Funny. He absolutely loves the sausages I make him," Tone taunting as I move away from the counter to exit the kitchen and I let her see the look on my face. "If you don't believe me, when he's back you can ask him how thick he likes them."

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