The Last Song

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JADES POV: my first day of college went well and I'm just waking up to my second day. I check my phone and I have ten messages from a unknown number. 'Jade it's alex' 'are u awake?' 'I miss u' 'I assume you've seen the news?' . I answer with 'I've seen the news , I don't care alex it's no big deal. We aren't dating anymore'. He immediately texts back with 'it is just for publicity' and I say 'okay Alex'. I felt bad for being cold but he needs to learn to live his life without me.

ALEXANDERS POV: my heart sinks when jades response is so short. I just wanna hear her voice and hug her. Kiss her. I figured I should just leave her alone but it's so hard. I sit down in my chair and play going to California by led zeppelin. I would do anything to be with jade again.

JADES POV: Alex texts back with 'jade don't do this. Don't shut me out' . Reading his message makes me feel sick. I ignore his message and lay on my bed thinking. I drive to a guitar shop. I remember Alex teaching me how to play crossfire by nai palm on the guitar. I sit down, put headphones on and start playing. I sing along " when you fall in love , when you fall in love , how can I defend how good it is to define when you call it a date before you've given it any of your time , a cross road is better than a crossfire". I turn and see a guy sitting across from me playing the same song. He is tall , has tan skin , hazel eyes and chestnut coloured hair. I take my headphones off. No no no don't fall for another boy I think to myself. I am completely in my head. "Hey" he says waving at me. It takes me a second to process his actions. "Hey sorry I'm jade" I say. "Mateo , nice to meet you" he says. "Are you new around here?" He asks. "I go to college down the street , in fact I should probably head there now" I say. "Me too, I come here every morning" he says. "What's your degree on?" I ask him. "Physical education studies" he says. "What's yours?" He Asks. "Teaching" I say. He looks shocked. "Why do you looked shocked? Do I not look smart?" I ask. "Sorry that sounded rude I'm just not in a good head space right now" I say getting up and opening the door. "You do look smart , I just thought you were studying music or something since you are talented at that" he says to my back. "Yeah well teaching is faster and easier to get money so I may as well just do that right?" I say and he shoots me a smile. Then we both leave and go to class.

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