queen (part 2)

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Sabrina POV

Puck finished getting dressed and we quietly walked hand in hand to the meeting hall.  There we were greeted by a guard, who bowed his head at us, allowing us through the door.

To my surprise, we were not the first ones there.  Moth sat at the farthest end of the table.  Her hands were tied behind the share and her head facing complete down so you couldn't see her face.

Puck and I sat as far away from her as possible.  Moth didn't even look up when her brother sat down next to her.  He looked at me.  Just for a second, then looked away.  Jesus he was scary.  E-boy vibes for sure.

Sunflower was the next to sit down, flashing me and Puck a beautiful smile.  She was so pretty.  Prettier than me.  Gorgeous strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes.  I was jealous.  I'd do anything to be that pretty.

She walked over to Moth and Thorne, offering them both a cup of water.  Thorne took the water, Moth didn't even move.  She was embarrassed and ashamed. I could tell.  I started to feel bad for her, then I remembered who the crazy bitch was.

Titania entered to room last, the large door making a loud noise as it closed tightly shut, making a click sound signifying we were locked in here. 

She greeted everyone, smiled at me, kissed Puck on the forehead and sat down at her end of the table.  Titania was pretty too.  Beautiful actually. Puck was lucky he had such gorgeous genes. 

"Moth," was the only word that came out of her mouth.  The room was dead silent.  Everyone's eyes on Moth and her brother.  "I believe you have a few words before we begin," Titania said.

Ever so slowly, Moth lifted her head.  I inhaled deeply, seeing that the poor girl has clearly been beaten.  Her dark brown eyes were red and puffy.  Her long black hair all messy and greasy.  Her perfect red lips now chapped and cut, and her rosy cheeks all dirty and bruised.  I know whatever happened to her she deserved it, but still, she should be allowed to take a shower, because she smelled of cat food and low tide.

Moth turned to Puck.  A small smirk appeared on his face.  He was clearly entertained by what he was seeing.  A once beautiful and innocent young girl now horribly gross and has gotten nothing more than what she desverved. 

They looked at each other, and I could feel everyone become simultaneously uncomfortable. 

"Im sorry..." Moth started with a grumbly voice. "...that I murdered your father...and fucked up your perfect little kingdom...and that you don't have a queen...because I'm a piece of hot garbage." Moth finished, smiling her evil little smile, and returning her head to face her lap once again.

Thorne chuckled a bit, Puck smiled, but he didn't say anything.  It was silent for a bit, before he spoke.  "I forgive you," Puck said.  Everybody quietly gasped.  I looked up at him, confused. He just stared straight ahead.  Moth stayed quiet, but Thorne continued to laugh. 

Sunflower shushed him, and I turned to Puck to say something but couldn't because Titania had ordered everyone to be quiet.  "Now we may begin," she said. 

"Puck, you are without a queen, correct?," she turned to my boyfriend, waiting for his answer.  He nodded.  "Okay. Collectively, Sunflower and a few others and I have come up with a plan.  You have three options.  Number one," Titania began reading off a piece of paper.  "I am to allow you to chose from ten actual faeries.  You will have two weeks to choose which one will be your queen.  Number two:  You are given a queen of my choice, but you do not have to stay in the kingdom 24/7.  And number three:  Sabrina Grimm may be your queen, but you cannot leave the kingdom without leaving us a notice and you cannot be gone for more than two weeks at a time," Titania finished. 

We all looked at him.  He sat silent, contemplating his choice.  Strangely enough, I found myself starting to worry he wouldn't choose me. But then he spoke.

"Do the same rules apply for Sabrina?" Puck asked.  "She can't leave without permission and not for more than two weeks?" Titania nodded.  That means I would have to leave my family.  As if he read my mind, he spoke again.  "Can her family visit?" Titania nodded again.  "Scheduled of course, and the time must be significant, not random.  And they have to let us know they're coming a week in advance," she explained.

"Since I'm the king, shouldn't I make the rules," Puck snorted.  Sunflower giggled and I smiled.  "If you want to marry a human Robin Goodfellow, by all means you'll follow my god damn rules," Titania snapped.  I flinched and Pucks face went white.  I took a deep breath. 

Please pick me Puck.  Please.

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