some girl

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Sabrina POV

Puck had been missing from the house for at least an hour. Dinner was getting closer, and I figured I'd go look for him. Daphne volunteered to go with me, but I politely told her no.

I put on some shoes and I walk outside. I find Puck sitting in the driveway, watching the sunset all by himself. I was going to just yell at him to come inside, but something inside me wanted to go sit with him, so I did.

"Hi," I say to him. He doesn't say anything just smiles.

He's so cute when he smiles like that.

"Are you okay," I ask him. He nods. "Are you sure?" I ask again. This time he doesn't do anything. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, pulling him in for a hug. "Puck, tell me what's wrong," I say to him. His face scrunches up, giving him a sad facial expression. It made my heart clinch inside my chest.

I think I'm really starting to fall for this boy.

"Puck, please?" I ask, rubbing his back. I see the tears start to form in his eyes. He opens his mouth to say something, but instead he just bursts into tears. It was the saddest thing ever. It's not everyday you see someone like this have a mental breakdown.

I pull him into another hug, snuggling my face into his blonde hair. "Puck, I'm right here, tell me," I say quietly to him once he calms down.

"Th—there's," he sputters. I patiently wait for him to continue. "There's this girl," he says. I nod, trying to see what he's getting at. "A—and we, we've been friends," he says, referring to a girl he probably met at school. "We've been friend for a while now," he spits.

I feel my heart do a summersault as I realize what he's trying to say. "And?" I ask. "And I really really like her," he continues. I feel my face get hot.

He likes some other girl, not you. He doesn't like you.

"I like really really really really like her," Puck says with a bit of a laugh. However, I'm not laughing. "As a matter a fact, I think it's more than like," he adds.

Okay Puck. Enough with making feel like committing suicide, thanks.

"Do you love her?" I ask him? He nods, smiling a bit. I feel like crying, but instead a fake grin spreads across my face. "Oh my gosh, Puck that is so adorable," I squeal.  He giggles cutely, as a force my smile more.  "What's her name?" I ask, still forcing a grin.  "I—I don't think I should tell you," Puck sighs.  "What? Why not?" I ask him.  He doesn't answer, he just give me a look.  He clearly doesn't want to tell me, I'll just leave him alone. 

We stare at the sky for a while longer until I come up with another question.  "Does she love you too?" I ask.  The tears well up in Puck's eyes again as he shakes his head no.  I soon realize how stupid that question was.

That's why he was crying in the first place, you idiot...

"Puck," I whisper.  "I'm so sorry," I tell him as he starts crying again.  I wrap my arms around him and he begins to cry harder. 

"No, she doesn't love me back," he sputters through sobs. 

I love you.

"Puck, it's gonna be alright," I try to assure him, but he won't stop crying.  The poor boy is in love with some girl who doesn't even look at him the same way.  

I'm going to kill her if it's the last thing I do.

I continue to hold him as he sobs into my hair.  "I love her so much," he muffles.  I can't hold back any longer as I start to cry too.  Puck notices and wraps his arms around me, and pretty soon we're both crying in each other's arms. 

"Puck you have to tell me who she is," I say to him once we've both calmed down.  "W-why?" he asks, still choking a bit.  "Because I'm going to kill her for not knowing how amazing you are," I tell him.  Puck laughs, but I am one hundred percent serious.  I give him another hug, and he looks up at me with his big green eyes.  I don't even think.  I just say the first thing that comes to my mind. 

"I love you," I choke out.  His eyes grow larger as he looks at me like a crazy person.  I know what I did was wrong, and I was going to try and take it back, or cover it up, but Puck beats me to it by simply pressing his lips on mine.  After roughly ten seconds I pull away. 

This is wrong.

"I-I love you too," Puck says.  At first, I was confused but then it all hit me like a truck.  I immediately smash my lips back up against his  and pull him closer to me.

"I do love you, Puck," I repeat, my lips still dangerously close to his.  He smiles. 

"I love you too."

A/N:  Please tell me I don't have to actually explain what just happened here.  This took my literally three days to write, and I tried to be as clever as possible.  Anyway, the next one shot will most likely be posted today.  There's like, a seven percent chance it will be posted any other time.  Anyway, BYE💞

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