Surprise bitch

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This book is definitely over, there's nothing else to say or any more plot twists to write, but I wanted to update and say Thankyou for the support on this book. This was something I threw together mainly for me and my friends, I took it chapter by chapter and had no idea where the story was going until the words hit the page.
This book is silly sometimes and maybe too emotional at other times, even though I cringe at my efforts in writing, I enjoyed every second of writing it.
So Thankyou!!!

I really want to write another Camren story, I'm jotting down ideas and have so many inspirations so hopefully soon I'll start a new story with a happier ending than 'sent' had.

Anyway, I also wanted to say that I want to broaden my horizons and reach out to people that love this little fantasy as much as I do, so if you wanna chat please hit me up!! Just slide right into my Wattpad DM's

Thankyou for the ride, marleigh.

Sent. (Camren) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now