Just as promised, I'm back early. I feel content as I get out of Abby's car and head towards the front door.

I don't really feel like taking care of Hazel at the moment, after such a long day of work, I really just want to cuddle with Blue. "Blue, I'm home," I call, knowing my faithful cat will come running to me.

Just as I knew would happen, after a meow, Blue rounds the corner of the living room and bounds toward me. "Hello, my sweet baby girl!" I scoop Blue into my arms. She purrs loudly, rubbing against my fingers as I pet her tiny head.

"Master?" My mood deflates a little. Can't she just let me and Blue have a moment together?

"I'm back." I carry Blue as I unlatch Hazel's cage.

"Help?" She begs, urgency in her voice. I scowl and begrudgingly set down Blue, picking Hazel up instead.

"I don't waste time trying to teach you to stand, so that I have to do this every day, Hazel," I reprimand.

"I'm sorry, Master," she squeaks out as I set her down in the bathroom. I don't even wait for her to get situated before I turn around and leave her.

She's a big enough girl to go the the bathroom her self.

I go to search for Blue, seeming her company. When I find her, she is in Hazel's cage, sniffing around.

"Blue," I reprimand softly. She just meows and lets me pull her from the cage. I sit on the sofa, Blue in my hand as I pet her. I lean back, relaxing back against the sofa, enjoying the quietness of the house. Blue licks my fingers gently and I lift her up and kiss her head.

I grind my teeth as I hear the floor boards in the hallway creaking. Can't I just have a moment alone with my cat?

I set down Blue with a huff and head into the kitchen. "Come eat," I snap at Hazel, pouring the packet of nutrients into her water dish, not even bothering to stir or mix it.

I don't even wait for Hazel to come before I go get Blue and head towards our room.

Hazel is panting, leaning against the hallway wall.


She can't even crawl across the house in one go.

"Go eat," I tell her, not waiting for a response before I head into my room. I let out a big sigh, flopping down on the bed. Blue jumps up next to me and comes and curls up on my chest.

I close my eyes and finally let out my stress from the day. Blue warms my chest and I pet her in silence.

I'll take care of Hazel later.


When my eyes crack open, I immediately look in search of my alarm clock.

9:00 am.

Thank God it's Saturday.

In the middle of the night, Blue moved off my chest to sleep on my pillow as I stayed sleeping halfway on the bed.

I grumble at Blue, sitting up, gently rocking the bed. I groan, stretching out the kink in my neck.

I look around my room and yawn, an odd feeling washing over me.

It's almost like I forgot... Hazel.

I jump up, heading towards my bedroom door immediately. I rush down the hall, not worrying about the crunching of the floor boards scaring her.

I never locked her in her cage last night. She could have run away during the night or something.

My tense shoulders sag in relief when I see her cage door closed with her curled up in it. I go closer, seeing her up close to calm my nerves from leaving her alone all night without locking her up.

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