"Over there!" Stefan pointed to a dark alley. "The scream came from over there."

We rushed towards the dark alley and inside was four vampires surrounding someone who looked about my age. "Stay away from me," the stranger said to the vampires. "The council will not tolerate this!" He continued to shriek. In his hand was a silver and black dagger to use in his defense.

"Fuck the council, they can burn to hell for all I care," one of the vampires snarled. "A new era is coming and we will take down that council and anyone who stands with. Vampires, true blood ones will rise and feast on the human souls as we were meant to be! Anyone who dares to stand in our way will be punished by death, starting with you!"

I couldn't let the poor guy get killed. As I got closer, I realized he was just as much of a vampire as the attackers. Looking at the attackers, I could see they were one of the rogue ones. Something told me that I had to save him and saving him I must.

"Let him go you fucking blood suckers!" Running up to one, I tackled him to the ground. I got shoved off and quickly stood back up. I got the attention off the teenager and onto me. As the vampires were circling around me, I started to panic. Quickly realizing I had my dagger stored in my boot, I took it out and watched out for the attackers.

"Lilith!" Stefan and the gang ran over to me.

"Ah, more food. How delightful," a female vampire said. "Now we have not just one meal, but five meals," she chuckled. "I think I will start with you," she scanned Stefan up and down and proceeded to lick her lips. "Dirty things I would love to do to you."

A burning sensation got to me and could feel my body heating up. It felt like my organs were on fire. Her threatening Stefan was something I would not tolerate. Before I could think, my left arm raised to the female vampire chest, palm opened and a fireball sprew out of my palm to the female vampire's chest right where her heart went. Shock expression she wore and in a quick second, she turned into dust. The other vampires snarled and went into attack mode, the fight was on.

There were five rogue vampires left and four of us. I caught one of the blood sucker's attention and he sent our a smirk. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? A strange creature with fire abilities and a sexy one. I would love to take a bite from you." He gave me a wink which sent shivers down my body.

"And I would love to turn you into dust. Guess we will see which will happen first." I raised my dagger and stood in my fighting chance. As I locked eyes with the enemy, I waited for him to attack first. Just as when he threw the first punch, I duck and countered it with a punch to his face. As he snarled, I kicked him in the gut which knocked him down.

I quickly proceeded on top of him ready to stab him in his heart when he said, "You won't be able to stop us all bitch, the prophecy will come true and we will prevail."

"Over my dead body, oh wait, I mean yours," I stabbed him in his heart and watched him turn to dust. As I glanced behind me, I could see my friends and uncle taking on the vampires. I see a vampire sneaking up behind Stefan and before I could warn him, he sank his teeth right into Stefan's neck. "No!" I ran over to him, grabbed the vampire from the neck and yanked him off. Scared and angered, I could feel my hand on fire and before I knew it, the vampire I have clutched in my hand burst into flames. I could hear screaming in pain and before I knew it, turned into dust.

I kneeled down to Stefan and could feel my water works coming on. "No, Stefan." I grabbed his hand and it felt cold. I put my index and middle finger to his neck and felt a faint pulse. "Come on Stefan, wake up. It's just a bite, just wake the fuck up." Tears were coming faster and I could see my friends coming to check on Stefan. Within moments, Stefan's eyes opened and within a second I connected my lips to his. His eyes bulged opened and once he realized what was going on, he took full control and more heat happened. Our lips were locked and a moan or two slipped. Talk about a passionate kiss. We were than interrupted when Kyle gave a cough and killed our mood.

The Elemental: My Burning LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now